Elections 2015
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I. Positions
The positions to be filled are:
1. Chair [currently held by William Drake, term limited, vacating for NomCom]
2. EC – Europe [currently held by Stefania Milan, vacating for the GNSO Council]
3. EC - Africa [currently held by Grace Githaiga, eligible for reelection]
4. EC – Asia/Australia/Pacific [currently held by Peter Green (aka Zuan Zhang 张 钻), eligible for reelection]
5. EC – North America [currently held by Roy Balleste, eligible for reelection]
6. EC – Latin America/ Caribbean [currently held by João Carlos R. Caribe, eligible for reelection]
Biographies on the current members are available from http://www.ncuc.org/governance/executive-committee/
NCUC really needs committed volunteers who are really willing to donate a few hours a week to collaboration in order to help ensure that civil society's voice is heard in ICANN. The EC’s responsibilities are primarily in the realm of constituency administrative management, inreach and outreach, and interfacing with ICANN’s staff and community as needed (GNSO policy work being the province of the participants in the NCSG Policy Committee, GNSO Council, and GNSO working groups). If you think that you or someone you know would be well suited to the tasks involved, then please consider nominating accordingly.
II. Timetable
The process begins this coming Monday, 26 October. The timetable will be as follows:
9-22 November: Candidates submit statements to ncuc-discuss
During the first two-week period, any member can self-nominate or nominate any other member http://www.ncuc.org/about/members/ (usually best to check with them first). During the second two-week period, nominees must notify colleagues via the mail list whether they accept the nomination, and if they do, submit a candidate statement (see below). At the beginning of the third two-week period, ballots will be emailed by ICANN staff, and voting will occur on a secure website. Staff will then run the tally software and announce the vote, and the new EC will be set up soon thereafter.
III. Participation
As you know, in accordance with its Charter, NCSG’s chair does a formal "check-in” procedure (probably necessary in the SG context), and members who do not reply in time to multiple email promptings become ineligible to vote in the election cycle.
IV. Candidate Statements
For when we get to this stage, the standard list of questions we’ve asked people over the years is as follows:
1. Why do you want to serve on the EC?
2. Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.
3. The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency. What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis? Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person.
4. Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?
5. How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why?
Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward and forward looking, i.e. taking note of their contributions and work in the previous year.
The statements should be relatively concise, e.g. a couple paragraphs per question.
V. "Meet the Candidates” Virtual Meeting?
In the past we’ve scheduled Adobe Connect sessions where members could ask the candidates questions etc. If there’s demand to do this again (esp. if, as one hopes, there’s competition for slots) we can schedule a session during the election period.
If there are any questions, just ask. Otherwise, please do keep this election schedule on your radar, consider whether you or someone you know might like to stand for election to one of the above posts, ensure that we have your email address, and when the time comes, vote. It’s really important.