19 January 2012: Summary Minutes
1. We start with AFRALO:
Request needs logistics - staff involvement
Online capacity building- simpler manner than the cost of given in Dakar.
Operational issue: Something similar to webminar, and 1 person from staff.
Tijani mentioned that the idea is to deepen the subjects addressed in Dakar.
CLO would like to differentiate between ICANN issues to be adressed in Academy.
Garnesh: This could be a model.
OCL: This capacity building approach could be applied accross the regions but there will be various capacity building programs running paralel, that would not be ideal.
CLO: Clarified that the idea was a fulll multi-regional approach would be more palatable. Selling it more as something multiregional.
OCL: We will look at this issue with Xavier tomorrow.
AFRALO Workshop at IGF 2012
- No cost. Only the number of persons (5), and ICANN finance will provide the cost. APRALO also has a similar request. Would it be worth it to bring both requests together? and having a unified budget covering the two?
APRALO has successfully run Workhops. Concern of getting nothing if we ask for too much.
Has anyone has a view in pro of putting together: 5
Workshop at IGF is a very important thing for ICANN and for the RALOs. Well attended Workshop and well appreciate it, it would be very important.
APRALO has never had any funding.
It was agreed to put AFRALO and APRALO requests as high priority (1).
Workshop and APRALO Mini-General Assembly at APriGF 2013.
A face to face General Assembly is needed within the region. If it is done at the ICANN meeting the costs can be lowered and bring more people is possible. There will also be be more staff support there than in IGF.
Charles: If there is a need for prioritize then the GA.
This is also a high priority, in generall the requests for GAs is a high priority (1).
1.-Euralo participation in ICANN StudienKreis 2012
2.- Euralo GA in June 2013 EURODIG
We should be able to combined all regions together. Finance within ICANN is also experimenting. This year they have asked us to prioritize and put them in order.
CLO: This should be a point of discussion in ALAC.
These requests are also a priority, the higher priority is a GA when an ICANN meeting is taking place in the region.
High priority as well (1)
Ask Wolf which one would have a higher priority.
Multi-day Workshop at LACIGF August 2012.
Treat the current request as being as if LACRALO has not managed to request funding for CR.
Dev:The intention is to have sessions within the LACIGF conference. Budget: $ 10,000. + $75,000 = $85,000
APRALO does numbers with the 100% attendance (estimate).
If it is a lot shorter than ICANN meetings why is it more expensive?: This is more expensive than ICANN meetings because of need for interpreters. High priority.
2 requests:
1.- High priority is for the GA in Toronto. Because of location, costs can be kept down.
2.- Consumer-Event focused Outreach
Could we state if Global partnerships has a presence on this? AI. Whether: GP has planned to have presence, if they do not, it would be important for ICANN. Outreach outside of ICANN is a high priority for ICANN. This is also a high priority.
OCL: Talked about the " Event Road map table".
It was shared and discussed among all participants.
It was pointed out that if there is such a huge disparity between regions we need to know why and plan around it.
ICANN Academy Budget: Idea is to submit it as a separate budget.It will be treated as a special project.
Tijani: We should have a long term plan for GA.
Tomorrow: Meeting with Xavier Calvez.