SSR2 Plenary #111 - 27 May 2020 @ 14:00 UTC

SSR2 Plenary #111 - 27 May 2020 @ 14:00 UTC


Review Team Members:  Kaveh Ranjbar, Laurin Weissinger, Ram Krishna Pariyar, Russ Housely, Danko Jevtovic, Scott McCormick, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Denise Michel, Naveed Bin Rais, Jabhera Matogoro, KC Claffy

Observers:  /

ICANN Organization:  Jennifer Bryce, Steve Conte, Brenda Brewer

Technical Writer:  Heather Flanagan

Apologies:  Boban Krsic, Alain Aina, Eric Osterweil

Audio recording:  EN   (41:43)

Zoom recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Zoom Chat Transcript:  EN


Plenary Call Report: PDF

Decisions Reached: 

  • Team agreed to the content in the update blog which will inform the community of the new completion date of October 2020.

Action Items:

  • Staff to post the update blog to icann.org.
  • Staff to provide information on how the implementation shepherd concept is working in practice.

  • Staff to provide information about the implementation of the CCT recommendations that have been accepted by the Board.

  • KC to help find resources related to NCAP and share these with Naveed.

  • Review team members to continue to work in subgroups and update the bar chart as work progresses.


  1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
  2. Review draft of the blog “An Update from the SSR2 Review Team” 
  3. Report out on subteam items and any items for team discussion (see chart here)
    1. Subteam 1 report
    2. Timing of other subteam reports
  4. AOB
  5. Confirm action items, decisions reached

Call Details

14:00 - 15:00 UTC (timezone converter here)

Interested in listening to the discussion? Send request to mssi-secretariat@icann.org for meeting link.

Learn more about how you can observe SSR2 meetings - see here.