SSR2 Plenary #56 - 10 January 2019
SSR2 Plenary #56 - 10 January 2019
Review Team Members: Ram Krishna Pariyar, Alain Aina, Kaveh Ranjbar, Russ Housley, Naveed Bin Rais,Laurin Weissinger, Denise Michel, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Noorul Ameen, Scott McCormick, KC Claffy
Observers: /
ICANN Organization: Negar Farzinnia, Jennifer Bryce, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Boban Krsic, Eric Osterweil, Norm Ritchie
Audio recording: EN
AC recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: EN
Observer Chat Transcript: N/A
Documents: PDF
Plenary Call Report: PDF
Decisions Reached:
Action Items:
- Team members to complete Doodle poll for a potential f2f meeting in May (poll to be circulated to list)
- Scott will input text for SSR1 recommendations 17 & 18
- KC, Denise, Laurin, Alain, Scott to have a discussion with the RSSAC and SSAC regarding recommendation 23 (team members to volunteer if they want to participate). KC will talk to the SSAC / RSSAC chairs to set this up.
- Kerry-Ann to input text to Google doc to explain that text for SSR1 recommendations 25
- and 26 is contained within the text for recommendation 27.
- Noorul to input text to the Google doc regarding overlap between recommendations 24 and 28, and that text for both recommendations is merged.
- Leadership will develop a draft agenda for the January f2f meeting. Team members to email suggestions to Russ ahead of Monday leadership call.
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- RT members to advise if they are awaiting any information from ICANN travel for LA face-to-face or Kobe meetings
- Share RT attendance data with team (attachment to follow)
- RT members to fill out Doodle poll re: potential f2f meeting after Kobe, to be circulated shortly
- Finish up SSR1 recommendations text in Google doc.
- RT members to share suggestions for January face-to-face meeting agenda topics
- Confirm action items/ decisions reached
Call Details 15:00 - 16:00 UTC (timezone converter here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to https://participate.icann.org/ssrreview-observers Learn more about how you can observe SSR2 meetings - see here. |
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