29 August 2018
Leadership Members: Laurin Weissinger, Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil, Russ Housley
ICANN Organization: Alice Jansen, Steve Conte, Negar Farzinnia, Jennifer Bryce, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: /
Documents: /
AC Chat: EN
- Add “Finalize the Terms of Reference and the scope” to the agenda for tomorrow’s call.
- Add "Discuss the draft communique - team to share feedback" to the agenda
- Staff to circulate a list of questions that are outstanding regarding SSR1 to the team
- Staff to provide update on the call tomorrow regarding SSR1 discussion on the leadership call.
- Staff to circulate outreach plan template to the leadership team
- Outreach, comms plan to be addressed on the call tomorrow - establish a penholder.
Thursday agenda (Eric to run the call):
1. Welcome, rollcall
1a. Staff to provide update on Barcelona
2. Finalize ToR and scope
3. Draft communique - team to share feedback
4. Agree approach to workplan
5. Outreach/comms plan - establish approach and penholder
6. SSR1 recommendations - staff to provide update from leadership discussion 28 August 2018 (if time permits)
7. AOB