Meeting #8 - Rec 4: Compliance - 20 July 2018 @ 16:00 UTC

Meeting #8 - Rec 4: Compliance - 20 July 2018 @ 16:00 UTC


Subgroup Members: Susan Kawaguchi, Carlton Samuels, Alan Greenberg, Erika Mann

ICANN Organization: Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Steve Conte, Lisa Phifer

Apologies:  /

Audio recording:  EN

AC Replay:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:  EN

Documents:  PDF

Decisions Reached: 

  • Rec#1 - revise to read "enforced as required" to address Stephanie's comment on F2F#2
  • Rec#4 - incorporate into Outreach report existing recommendation 3.2 as a specific example of desired outreach, and refer to the Outreach recommendation from Section in Compliance report
  • Rec #5 - expand recommendation text to focus on compliance processes to encourage use of Bulk tool,
  • Rec #8 - refer to Bulk WHOIS tool when discussing possible sources of input to identify systemic abuse
  • Rec#7 - discuss clarified text for this Recommendation in plenary
  • To address Accuracy issue where accuracy of P/P registration data is not monitored and cannot be enforced, draft a new recommendation that P/P registration data provider must adhere to the current RAA requirements for verification and validation.
  • Raise as comments on Rec #11 subgroup report (Common Interface) for discussion in plenary call:

(1)  As a result of GDPR implementation, RR and Ry interpretations may result in different registration data returned  by WHOIS for the same domain name (e.g., the Ry may redact data that the RR displays)

(2)  Bulk data access has become less reliable (e.g., timeouts more frequent)

Action items:

  • Alan to update Outreach report recommendation 3.2 to incorporate compliance Rec #4 by Monday deadline
  • Susan to update Compliance report to incorporate  all decisions above by Monday deadline