Requests for Information

Requests for Information

Item #Description of RequestWS #ATRT 2 RequestorDate SubmittedClarified by StaffExpected Delivery DateRequest Completed/Staff Response
1.For each broadly stated New Issue, provide staff input on  significant components of the issueAllBrian Cute30 May 2013In processTBDStaff will provide examples for a few issues to illustrate thde need for more targeted definition of issues
2.Create extracts of transcripts to correspond with each Work Stream1,2,3Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond 4 JuneDone6 June10 June - completed
3.Facilitate emailing/mailing of letters to 124 government officials; research of appropriate government officials to addressAllBrian Cute6 JuneIn process of assessing resources and timing  
4. ICANN Whistle Blower program, procedures and data with respect to the use of the Whistle Blower program since December 31, 2010 (when ATRT1 made its recommendations to the ICANN Board) Brian Cute8 JuneDone 14 June - completed
5.Public comment process documentation from Prague PPC meetingWS 1 (c) Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond13 JuneIn Process