Joint ccNSO GNSO Council Meeting Marrakech

Joint ccNSO GNSO Council Meeting Marrakech

Proposed Agenda – Joint ccNSO-GNSO Council meeting – Monday 7 March 12.00 – 13.30 local time 


1. Welcome & Introductions (incl. recent and upcoming leadership changes)

2. Update on ongoing joint ccNSO-GNSO CCWG efforts

a. CWG Principles (Becky Burr)

b. CWG to develop a framework for the use of Country and Territory names as TLDs (Heather)

c. CWG on Internet Governance (Rafik or Olivier)

3. Hot topics: 

a. Decision-making CCWG-Accountability (process, when and direction of travel) 

b. Exchange of views on implementation of ccNSO and GNSO related aspects of CWG-Stewardship Proposal (e.g. CSC appointments) 

4. New Meeting Strategy - planning for meeting B: interaction GNSO-ccNSO Councils (if time permits)