NCUC Marrakech Meeting 2016-03-08

NCUC Marrakech Meeting 2016-03-08

Session date/time: 08 March 2016 | 09:30 - 13:00


1- Introduction by the chair (20-30min)

•Tour de table & introductions
•Short overview about NCUC and activities: why should you join NCUC

2- Topics of interests for ICANN55 and beyond

•New PDPs overview: Registration Data Services (RDS), Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPM), new gTLD rounds
•Effective participation for NCUC
•Briefing & highlights on important issues
•ICANN accountability track: highlights & way forward
•DIDP work: Transparency and document disclosure
•Human rights work
•(Global) Public interest discussion

3- Administrative matters

•Activities report from NCUC Executive Committee: appointments, roadmap for 2016
•Bylaw update & Incorporation
•Non-contracted Party House meeting report and follow-up
•Reports from Outreach events
•Nomcom updates

4- AOB & Closing remarks.