Draft Recommendation 33
Draft Recommendation 33
That SGs, Cs and the Nominating Committee, in selecting their candidates for appointment to the GNSO Council, should aim to increase the geographic, gender and cultural diversity of its participants, as defined in ICANN Core Value 4.
Working Party (initial assessment of feasibility and usefulness): | CG - Accept with modification: This goal should not be achieved at the expense of skillset and ability to participate. |
Staff (initial assessment of feasibility and usefulness): |
Rationale: MK: Accept as-is, although as most (all?) SG/C already include requirements to this end, it would be helpful if further guidance could be provided on how these current selection criteria could be improved.
LG: Accept with modification. Would be useful to add guidance on establishing measures for tracking, evaluating and reporting performance and results. |
Basis for Assessment: | |
Work in Progress: | SG/Cs currently determine their selections according to their own rules/processes, which in most cases includes requirements for diversity. |
Expected Completion Date for Work in Progress: | |
Milestones: | |
Responsibility: | SG/Cs |
Public Comments Received
Comment # | Submitted By | Affiliation | Comment |
Recommendation 33 (Participation and Representation): That SGs, Cs and the Nominating Committee, in selecting their candidates for appointment to the GNSO Council, should aim to increase the geographic, gender and cultural diversity of its participants, as defined in ICANN Core Value 4. | |||
37 | Paul Diaz | gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group | (It Depends) While we do not dispute this goal it should not be at the expense of skillset and ability to participate. |
74 | Osvaldo Novoa | ISPCP | (It Depends) The important thing is to increase the pool of candidates. |
116 | Will Hudson | If adopted would improve the diversity of working groups and their openness to newcomers so that the policy development process is more reflective of all stakeholders | |
155 | Anupam Agrawal | Internet Society, India Kolkata Chapter | The Indian representation in the GNSO council or for that matter the Asia Pacific User vis a vis the representation in GNSO is not reflective enough and efforts needs to be made to improve the scenario. The same analysis based on different groups within GNSO will reflect the real picture and can be included as part of analysis. The Westlake observation in terms of diversity of participation, is absolutely correct and there is agreement in this regard. |
168 | Laura Covington, J. Scott Evans, Marie Pattullo | Business Constituency | We agree that SGs, Cs and the Nominating Committee, in selecting their candidates for appointment to the GNSO Council, should aim to increase the geographic, gender and cultural diversity of its participants, as defined in ICANN Core Value 4. |
223 | Stephanie Perrin | NCUC/NCSG | NCSG is currently doing this. |
270 | Greg Shatan | IPC | (It Depends) Striving towards the widest possible diversity of representation, in terms of geography, gender and culture, is an aim which all SGs and Cs should embrace when selecting their candidates for appointment to the GNSO Council. However, this should never be at the expense of appointing the best-qualified candidate for the role. It should also be borne in mind that Councilors should always take instruction from and represent the interests of their SG or C membership as a whole to the Council, and thus the diversity status of the individual Councilor is not as important as seeking to increase the diversity of active membership within the SGs and Cs. Finally, it is important to recognize that increasing the pool of diverse participants and retaining these participants is the surest way to meet diversity goals. |
288 | Amr Elsadr |
| The NCSG already has rules regarding geographic and gender diversity in its election of GNSO councillors. The NCUC’s executive officers are regional representatives on the executive committee, so also support diversity by default. Beyond that, I see no need to impose rules of diversity on groups that I am not a member of. |
344 | Olivier Crepin-Leblond | ALAC | (Support) The Nominating Committee is specifically tasked with enhancing geographic, gender and cultural diversity. The ALAC believes that whilst this should be an aim for selecting candidates to be appointed to the GNSO Council, enhancing geographic, gender and cultural diversity should be part of a much wider program to enlarge the pool of potential candidates. Too often the starting pool is unfortunately too restricted for diversity to be sustained. |
367 | Tony, https://buenosaires53.icann.org/en/schedule/sun-gnso-working/transcript-gnso-review-21jun15-en | GNSO Working Session | On diversity, totally support the recommendations you’ve put forward. I think they’re all very fine, but the problem again with that is that other than two particular working groups around the IANA function where at one stage people were crawling over each other to become part of that until they realized that being part of that and being effectively in a position to contribute probably ate half of your life. Apart from that experience, we’re often finding that we are in a situation where we need to engage and the amount of people that are actually doing the engaging and the heavy lifting is very small. And there was a very damaging report that came out under the ATRT 2 review which looked at working groups. And one of the points they picked up was the very points that you made as well - that we needed to increase the diversity. But to do that you have to get to a stage where you have a range of people from different cultures who bring that diversity to the table to pick from. And the problem is for very few constituencies we just are not in that situation. So I think it’s an ideal thing to aim for, but there are some really difficult steps along the way before we could actually realize those goals. |