Working Party Information
The Structural Improvements Committee (SIC), now known as the Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) requested that a GNSO Review Working Party be assembled to act as a liaison between the GNSO, the independent examiner and the OEC. The Working Party will provide input on review criteria and the 360 Assessment, coordinate interviews and objectively supply clarification and responses to the draft findings and recommendations. The Final Report was issued in September 2015 and it is anticipated that the Board will take action on it in June 2016. The GNSO Review Working Party is expected to coordinate with the GNSO community to prepare an Implementation Plan and champion implementation of improvement activities.
The membership of the GNSO Review Working Party includes members representing the diversity of the GNSO community. The activities of the GNSO Review Working Party are conducted in an open and fully transparent manner. Contact for more information.
Each GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency was contacted and asked to consider designating a representative to join the GNSO Review Working Party. The names of the proposed candidates were submitted to the GNSO Secretariat ( on 19 May 2014. Other GNSO Review Working Party members were appointed by Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees. For more information, please see GNSO Review: Forming GNSO Review Working Party.
The GNSO Review Working Party has had ongoing opportunities for substantive input into the GNSO Review process and methodology. The GNSO Community has had extensive and ongoing opportunities to take part in the 360 Assessment and to offer direct feedback to Westlake in a variety of ways, including via 40 one-on-one interviews (considerably more than originally anticipated in the scope of work), interaction at ICANN meetings and through other communication channels.
The community had multiple touch-points with Westlake and opportunities to share their views via the formal Public Comment process on the Draft Report (1 June – 20 July 2015).