GNSO Working Session Dublin Sunday 2015-10-18

GNSO Working Session Dublin Sunday 2015-10-18

Background Briefing Papers





9 :00

10 :00

GDD Update

Suggested questions from the GNSO Council:

  • Impact of Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruling regarding data transfer and the EU-US Safe Harbor arrangement
  • Projection of expenditures vs income sources going forward
  • Continued use of nTLD RA as starting point for renewals of legacy TLDs

GDD presentation slides

Jonathan Robinson

Cyrus Namazi, Akram Atalla, Christine Willett


10 :00

10 :30

Discussion with Theresa Swinehart

Suggested questions from the GNSO Council:

  •  How are the various Whois efforts being managed?
  • IANA stewardship transition - any insights on the views of other governments?

Slides from Strategic Initiative

Jonathan Robinson

Theresa Swinehart

10 :30

11 :15

Discussion with CEO Fadi Chehadé

Suggested questions from the GNSO Council:

  •  Successor challenges in relation to operations - What challenges will the new CEO face in terms of enhanced or improved operations?
  • Community relationships - Given recent experiences and your forthcoming departure from the Board, how can the community better communicate and collaborate with the Board?
  • Multistakeholderism - What does the multistakeholder model mean to you? What lessons have you learned about ICANN as compared to other multistakeholder environments? What are three things you would do to improve it?

Jonathan Robinson

Fadi Chehadé

11 :15

11 :45

Update on CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability

Slide deck for ICANN Accountability presentation

Jonathan Robinson

Thomas Rickert

11 :45

12 :15

Interview with GNSO Chair Candidates


Jonathan Robinson

Heather Forrest
James Bladel

12 :15

12 :30


Jonathan Robinson


12 :30

13 :00

Update from ICG (lunch continued)


ICG Update - slide deck

Jonathan Robinson

ICG Chairs / GNSO ICG Members (TBC)


13 :00

14 :30

GNSO Meeting with the Board

Suggested Topics from the GNSO Council:

  •  Update on CEO search and plans to ensure effective management of the transition to a new CEO 
  • Registration Directory Service (RDS) – What are the Board’s expectations (especially on the timing) for the Board-initiated PDP on RDS?? What is the impact of the recent Court of Justice for the European Union (CJEU) ruling regarding the EU-US “safe harbor”? Discuss broader issues as well (e.g. resource issues)
  • Recent correspondence between GNSO and Board:
  • Board involvement in CCWGs 
    • Prospective new CCWG on New gTLD Auction Proceeds 
    • Board approach for dealing with outcome of CCWGs
  • Issues the Board wishes to discuss with the GNSO
  • AOB

Jonathan Robinson

Jonathan Robinson



SSAC update & discussion

What it's about: Update from the SSAC on its recent activities

Background Information: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/ssac-2012-02-25-en

Policy Staff responsible: Julie Hedund, Director, SSAC Support; Kathy Schnitt, RSSAC

and SSAC Secretariat; Steve Sheng, Director, SSAC & RSSAC Advisories

Development Support; Barbara Roseman, Policy Director and Technical Analyst

Presentation: Slides SSAC Activities Update ICANN 54 Dublin 2015 FINAL.pdf


Jonathan Robinson

Patrik Falström, Jim Galvin




COFFEE BREAK & Travel to GAC meeting room






GNSO Meeting with the GAC


  1.  GAC / GNSO Consultation Group – Status update & current issues
  2. GNSO Policy Work – Current PDPs and GAC “Quick Look” Opportunities
  3. GAC Work – Update as relevant to GNSO
  4. AOB

Jonathan Robinson




Separate SG/Constituency meetings (closed)*