GNSO Working Session Dublin Sunday 2015-10-18
Background Briefing Papers
TIME | TOPIC | Leader | Presenter | |
9 :00 | 10 :00 | GDD Update Suggested questions from the GNSO Council:
| Jonathan Robinson | Cyrus Namazi, Akram Atalla, Christine Willett
10 :00 | 10 :30 | Discussion with Theresa Swinehart Suggested questions from the GNSO Council:
| Jonathan Robinson | Theresa Swinehart |
10 :30 | 11 :15 | Discussion with CEO Fadi Chehadé Suggested questions from the GNSO Council:
| Jonathan Robinson | Fadi Chehadé |
11 :15 | 11 :45 | Update on CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability | Jonathan Robinson | Thomas Rickert |
11 :45 | 12 :15 | Interview with GNSO Chair Candidates
| Jonathan Robinson | Heather Forrest |
12 :15 | 12 :30 | LUNCH | Jonathan Robinson |
12 :30 | 13 :00 | Update from ICG (lunch continued)
| Jonathan Robinson | ICG Chairs / GNSO ICG Members (TBC)
13 :00 | 14 :30 | GNSO Meeting with the Board Suggested Topics from the GNSO Council:
| Jonathan Robinson | Jonathan Robinson |
14:30 | 15:00 | SSAC update & discussion What it's about: Update from the SSAC on its recent activities Background Information: Policy Staff responsible: Julie Hedund, Director, SSAC Support; Kathy Schnitt, RSSAC and SSAC Secretariat; Steve Sheng, Director, SSAC & RSSAC Advisories Development Support; Barbara Roseman, Policy Director and Technical Analyst Presentation: Slides SSAC Activities Update ICANN 54 Dublin 2015 FINAL.pdf
| Jonathan Robinson | Patrik Falström, Jim Galvin
15:00 | 15:15 | COFFEE BREAK & Travel to GAC meeting room
15:15 | 16:30 | GNSO Meeting with the GAC Agenda:
| Jonathan Robinson |
17:00 | 18:30 | Separate SG/Constituency meetings (closed)*