Focus Area 2: Leveraging APAC for Capacity & Capability Building

Focus Area 2: Leveraging APAC for Capacity & Capability Building

ACTIONS: APRALO and ICANN to take part in joint capacity building workshops and/or webinars for end users 

List of Webinars 2015:

09 April 2015: IDNs (jointly with APAC Hub Webinar)  

May: [Basic] Internet Governance (including ICANN and multi stakeholder model)  

June: [Basic] Basic DNS and DNS Ecosystem 

July: [Intermediate] New gTLD program / ccTLDs  

Aug: [Intermediate] WHOIS, Universal Acceptance  

Sep: [Advanced] DNS Security and DNS Abuse

Oct: [Advanced] Privacy and IP  

Nov: [Others] …Update on IANA transition (where are we now?)

 Dec: [Others] …



09 April 2015 - APRALO-APAC Hub Webinar – What are IDNs and what does it mean to you?