Claudia Ruiz:Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement Call on Tuesday, 5 June 2018 16:00 UTC
Vanda Scartezini:hi all -
Vanda Scartezini:hi dev
Vanda Scartezini:hi Dave
Dave Kissoondoyal:hello everyone
Dave Kissoondoyal:hi Vanda
Vanda Scartezini:hi Nkem
Vanda Scartezini:hi Glenn
Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa):@Vanda & all hi
Sarah Kiden:Hi everyone
Lilian Ivette De Luque:hello everyone my first call i am also in spanish dial
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All - and Welcome back, Adobe Connect!!
Vanda Scartezini:glenn huge attendance
Alexis Anteliz /Venezuela:Saludos a todos y todas.
Vanda Scartezini:you right ALAN!
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Welcome all
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:I know this is a side conversation , anyone interested in a side meeting on Blockchain
Vanda Scartezini:hi Lilian and maureen. nice to see you here!
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Is Daniel here
Satish Babu:Glenn, I'm interested in the Blockchain side-event
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:I was thinking of a face to face meeting in Panama
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Satish and I did this in PR at the school of IG
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Please reach out to Satish and me on the meeting time and date
Maureen Hilyard:Hi everyone..
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Hey Maureen
Satish Babu:Hi Maureen
Sarah Kiden:Hi Maureen
judith hellerstein:HI all
Sarah Kiden:Hi Judith
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Hi All
Sarah Kiden:Hi Daniel
Daniel K. Nanghaka:hi Sarah
judith hellerstein:HI Sarah and Daniel
Satish Babu:Good to be back on Adobe Connect... :-)
Heidi Ullrich:Congratulations to all the members and their activities!
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Connect is uper cool
Lilian Ivette De Luque:welcome adobe!! missing it!!
Heidi Ullrich:The agenda was sent yesterday so members would have seen it.
Sarah Kiden:Yes! Thank you! That works
Vanda Scartezini:thanks Sarah for this question. I understand this is done by consensus among all
Vanda Scartezini:I can second zglenn nomination
judith hellerstein:I would second it
Dave Kissoondoyal:i second Daniel as well
Daniel K. Nanghaka:I accept the Nomination for Chair
Maureen Hilyard:I would also like to second Glenn's nomination for similar reasons. Daniel has been a very active participant in the previous committee
Dave Kissoondoyal:We can have one chair and 5 vice-chairs
Yubelkys Montalvo:Hi to all! sorry for my delay.
Maureen Hilyard:The regional co-Chairs were great for feeding back what was happening in the regions
judith hellerstein:I would like to have the regional co-chairs to continue as I think it was great to feed it back to the regions
Vanda Scartezini:previous chair will ahve some position as vice chairs I beleive?
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:I have a comment after Alan's comments
Heidi Ullrich:Thank you, Glenn.
Dave Kissoondoyal:+1 Alan
Vanda Scartezini:lcoaching people is a relevant activity we need to have it more organized
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Dev i am in the que
judith hellerstein:I want to add to this and celebrate Dev
Vanda Scartezini:tahnk you to Dev is mandatory- great job indeed
Maureen Hilyard:Totally support Glenn's comments about Dev's great job as former chair of this committee
Sarah Kiden:+1
Heidi Ullrich:+1000!
Dave Kissoondoyal:i join my voice as well to that of Glen to thank Dev
Lilian Ivette De Luque:+1
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:thanks again
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Daniel can you speak up
Satish Babu:+1 for Dev's efforts!
judith hellerstein:It is hard to hear Daniel
Vanda Scartezini:daniel could talk a little far from the mic
Alfredo Calderon:Thank you Dev for inspiring us to do the work !
judith hellerstein:Maybe he should be called instead of spekaing through the computer
Heidi Ullrich:We will redial to Daniel once the speakers are presenting.
Heidi Ullrich:He is on the bridge
Maureen Hilyard:I can hear Daniel but the quality is a little staticky
Vanda Scartezini:it is hard to understand
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:i call in with Adigo due to the computer mic isn't good
Mary Wong:We have sent the slides, and understand that they will be posted to the relevant wiki space.
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:ThanMary
Heidi Ullrich:Thank you, Mary. We will post them shortly.
Heidi Ullrich:We have also linked the ABR wiki page from Finance on the agenda.
Dave Kissoondoyal:Only 30% of requests supported
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large fY19 ABR Implementation workspace:
Heidi Ullrich:This page contains the full results of ABRs and the approved At-Large ABRs.
Mary Wong:Note also that most requests proposed for approval did NOT receive the full amount requested.
Mary Wong:However, this specific request for RALO funding was (I believe) approved for the full amount of $20,000
Heidi Ullrich:@All, Please look at the Implementation workspace for more information
Vanda Scartezini:that is a good question some time you are stucked at the same place you live
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Working on the NARALO Outreach and engagement and need clarification on the CROP funding , ie number of trips. type of trips
judith hellerstein:@heidi but that was when we had crop but as we do nothave crop this year
Mary Wong:@Judith, as Benedetta noted, the ABR approval and the ABR assessment team did not set the criteria for how this approval will be administered or disbursed. I believe Heidi is now explaining the scope from last year - it will be up to the RALOs working with At Large staff to determine the criteria (which must be published).
Vanda Scartezini:thank you Heidi
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:As to the Local Engagement issue one of our events will be at University of Ottawa organized with CIRA and Marita Moll in Sept as a pre icann Barcelona
judith hellerstein:Thank you heidi
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:@Daniel we did have 5 trips per region
Alan Greenberg:Heidi, Who sets those criteria.? I thought that Benedetti implied they were set just by At-Large.
Satish Babu:Is there a list of approved events for CROP?
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:@Satish its unclear the type of CROP ie. ICANN events ?
Satish Babu:@Glenn, yes...that was the question. What are the events (ICANN meetings & others) for which CROP applications will be allowed?
judith hellerstein:But with Crop, what does an ICANN sponsored event mean.? Is it when ICANN financially sponsor an event?
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:@Judith , yes this is our question
Satish Babu:@Judith, is it "ICANN-Sponsored" or "ICANN-organized"?
Heidi Ullrich:@Alan, my understanding from the FY18 was that ICANN org set some basic parameters -no flights/hotel/PD - only local travel. At-Large could develop other criteria. Which they did.
Benedetta Rossi:@Judith, we are currently focusing on item 1, regarding ABRs and have further information on CROP in later slides
Vanda Scartezini:looks like a lot of unknown information - Judith is raising an improtant question we have already discussed in the skype but is still unclear
Mary Wong:@Maureen, one of the principles underlying the ABR approvals is the extent to which the request is "directly and demonstrably related to current/ongoing ICANN policy, advisory and technical activities" - so not limited to just technical work.
Benedetta Rossi:If it's helpful, we have the full document for the ABR results ready to be posted on the screen
Maureen Hilyard:@Mary I understand that which is already a very expansive objective for trying to get to areas that don't have ALSes and therefore voices representing end-users in lots of areas across the regions. But technical objectives have other groups that deal with that area. O&E has dealt with more policy and advisory issues.
judith hellerstein:I still think the Indigenous program directly related to directly and demonstrably related to current/ongoing ICANN policy, advisory and technical activities
Lilian Ivette De Luque:totally in agreement with judith, on behalf of the indigenous communities thank you for the inclusion and the opportunity
Benedetta Rossi:Part of the response for the global indigenous ambassadors program also noted: At-Large is also encouraged to provide input to ICANN's Public Responsibility Support (PRS) team on how the Fellowship Program can more fully integrate and support indigenous participants. Unfortunately, this request cannot be accommodated in FY19.
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:I understand Judith's comment , perhaps we can reserve at least two spots in the Fellowship program
Vanda Scartezini:yes Judith We atrted to work with our women indian community now but they are quite scattered among the country and still hard to be with them. but I beleive is quite important their engagement
Mary Wong:For this RALO funding, just clarifying also that the ABR approval did NOT set conditions other than the need to use a template and to publish criteria - it does not set the actual criteria so it will be up to the RALOs fo determine the most effective ways to fund local engagement activities
Vanda Scartezini:it will be remote participation - I will not attend Panama
Vanda Scartezini:?
Heidi Ullrich:Thank you, Mary.
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Navigating your way at ICANN: Joint NCSG-At-Large Outreach Part 1 and Part 2
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Please add it to your calendar for Tuesday at 9 to 12
Silvia Vivanco:Tuesday 26 June - 18:30-19:30 LACRALO Networking Open House18:30-19:00 in ALAC room19:00-19:30 in main Foyer
Vanda Scartezini:thank you Heidi for these explanation
judith hellerstein:Yes put it down in my calendar. Looks like an interesting concept
Lilian Ivette De Luque:unfortunately I will not be able to attend icann 62 i will be remotely. successes
Vanda Scartezini:we need in Spanish
Silvia Vivanco:Brochures will be printed and business cards as well
Vanda Scartezini:great heidi
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Quick question . Will there be a LAC Space meeting?
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:perhaps Vanda knows
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:This is a great idea , we have been doing it with North America with Chris Modini
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Thanks Vanda
judith hellerstein:Thanks
judith hellerstein:Are we going to discuss CROP?
Vanda Scartezini:policy meeting has no slots for those - Barcelona will be the enxt one
Yubelkys Montalvo:i Speak Spanish, let me know if I can help Glenn
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Outreach and Engagement WG with NARALO is working on the new O and E plan with modifications to the new CROP and Discretionary plans
Daniel K. Nanghaka:@Judith, I think we shall go back to it under AOB - I must have skipped it
Benedetta Rossi:Thank you all, if you have additional questions about CROP please feel free to reach us at
Maureen Hilyard:Cannot hear Tijani
judith hellerstein:I have asked a question previously in an email but never got a response
Satish Babu:Yes
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Hi Benedetta we need clarifiication on CROP, number of trips per RALO, what trips are allowed etc
Michel TCHONANG LINZE:ok now
Sarah Kiden:My apologies Tijani. Didn't know you had joined the call
judith hellerstein:What is criteria makes it a ICANN sponsored event is it finance? how much ICANN has sponsored or is it something else
Heidi Ullrich:@All, Meetings Team has informed me that there will not booths at ICANN 62. However, they will arrange for a table for LACRALO/At-Large.
Heidi Ullrich:There will be a pop up banner, brochures - and enthusiastic volunteers!
Daniel K. Nanghaka:Thanks Heidi, LACRALO Booth is great
Vanda Scartezini:i was disconnected for some minutes
Sarah Kiden:And swag to give out :-)
Heidi Ullrich:@All, please see the At-Large Twitter Feed regularly! Staff and community members are working to coordinate a well-developed set of Tweets of all the regional activities:
Evin Erdoğdu:+1
Heidi Ullrich:AFRALO at AIS; EURALO at EuroDIG, etc.
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:NARALO Outreach Plan FY 19 Draft
Heidi Ullrich:Please be sure to work with Evin on promoting your events!
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Glenn.
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:I think more innovative ideas need to be implemented in terms of outreach and enagement
judith hellerstein:@maureen glad to hear the roosters are up and making themselves known
Vanda Scartezini:Shree - I just post one up - we need to have coaching for new commers. I ahve done some during some ICANN meetings and majority of those under coach became active in ICANN.
Sarah Kiden:--)
Heidi Ullrich:Glenn!
Maureen Hilyard:Yes Judith.. and Glenn.. I thought you would notice
Maureen Hilyard:Its 7am.. their wakeup time
judith hellerstein:Also ISOC NY and ISOC SF often does a icann readout
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:so true Vanda we need to
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:so true Vanda we need to work more on enagegicannmeeting the icaan meeting
Maureen Hilyard:@Vanda - Shreedeep has some great ideas that the committee can work on in future meetings
judith hellerstein:No they are all at EURODIG
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:@maureen we had turkeys and chickens at our garden and i need to buy the chicks soon,
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Who is this Dev guy:)
Maureen Hilyard:LOL..
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:how short our memories:)
Alfredo Calderon:I have another meeting I need to attend. Have a great morning, afternoon, evening!
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:yes we need to work on better enaggement strategy
Maureen Hilyard:Bye Alfredo
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:Bye Alfredo
Vanda Scartezini:@maureen glad to know Shree has good ideas, we need some...
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:See you in Panama Alfredo
Claudia Ruiz:Thank you for joining Alfredo
judith hellerstein:see you in panama
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:I leave to London later this week for the ISOC CEO final interviews and selection
Sarah Kiden:Thank you all and congratulations Daniel!
Shreedeep Rayamajhi:I would like to suggest during the Alac session at icann meeting alot of the times the newcommers join in. they need to be addressed and enageded by the regional leaders.
Vanda Scartezini:clarifying is needed
Satish Babu:Also, our main event is in August and we are precariously close to the 6-week deadline for CROP.
Vanda Scartezini:you right glenn + Judith it is not at all clear
judith hellerstein:the same for igf usa which is july 27
judith hellerstein:What about RIR
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:My comment for the record is to consider having our committee having focused responsibilities
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:We can setup structured portfolios
Satish Babu:Thanks and bye!
Dave Kissoondoyal:thanks all and congrats to Daniel
Michel TCHONANG LINZE: Thank all for this good meeting, bye!
Dave Kissoondoyal:bye
Vanda Scartezini:success in your term Daniel
Daniel K. Nanghaka:bye
Vanda Scartezini:nice day to all
Lilian Ivette De Luque:bye
Yubelkys Montalvo:bye
Glenn McKnight, NARALO:bye
Evin Erdoğdu:Thank you all!
Claudia Ruiz:Thank you eveyone!
ADRIAN A SCHMIDT:bye! Hope to see you in the not too far future...