IPC Membership Meeting - ICANN74

IPC Membership Meeting - ICANN74

DATE: Tuesday, 14 June 2022

TIME: 09:00-10:00 CEST

ROOM: Amazon


  1. Introduction and President’s Report  (5 mins)
  2. GNSO Update – John and Flip (5 mins)
  3. Participation Update with speed updates from each rep – Jan (15 mins)
    1.  Prioritization – Susan (2 mins)
    2.  Accuracy Scoping – Scott (2 mins)
    3.  Transfer Policy – Mike (2 mins)
    4.  SOI – Elizabeth – (2 mins)
  4. NIS2 update and the Future of WHOIS – Niklas Lagergren  (30 mins)
    1. SLIDES
  5. AOB – 5 mins