Joint Session: GAC and GNSO Council - ICANN74
DATE: Monday, 13 June 2022TIME: 15:00-16:00 CESTROOM: Atlantic (GAC)ICANN74 Session Link |
Agenda for ICANN74
- SubPro
- Closed generics;
- GNSO Guidance Process
- DNS abuse
- Accuracy
- SSAD light
- ICANN priorities
- GPI follow-up
Subsequent Procedures of New gTLDs
- Closed Generics
- The GAC welcomes ALAC participation in the facilitated dialogue in collaboration with the GNSO Council and the GAC.
- The GAC welcomes input from the GNSO Council on criteria for the appointed facilitator for the dialogue.
As noted to the Board, the GAC believes that the facilitator should be a well-respected member of the ICANN community, with a track-record of respectfully and tactfully building consensus, and independent from commercial interests. Ideally, the facilitator should have a good understanding of the closed generics issue and its history, but not having been directly involved in SubPro PDP WG discussions to bring a fresh perspective to the process. Finally, the facilitator should be willing and able to proactively help different parties find a mutually acceptable solution.
o How many representatives does the GNSO Council foresee appointing to this process? The GAC encourages the facilitator and ICANN Org to consider a balanced number of participants from the GAC and GNSO Council for the dialogue to be effective.
- GNSO Guidance Process
- Could the GNSO Council explain what is the aim, the basic process, as well as the timeline for such a process? How may interested GAC members take part in the GNSO Guidance Process?
DNS Abuse
- The GAC continues to have a great interest in DNS Abuse and would welcome an update from the GNSO small group on DNS Abuse , subject to developments.
- What is the GNSO Council’s appreciation of the advancement of the scoping exercise on accuracy of registration data? Is the GNSO expecting the work to be concluded within a reasonable timeline given the submitted change of project request?
- SSAD Light
- GNSO Council to provide an update as events warrant.
- ICANN priorities
- GAC/GNSO Council early exchange of initial thoughts in preparation for the plenary session ICANN74.
- GPI Follow-up
- At ICANN 72, the GAC initiated an exchange with the GNSO Council on the way the GNSO Council approaches public interest. At ICANN73, the ICANN Community held a Plenary on the Global Public Interest Framework (GPI Framework) tested by the ICANN Board. In its ICANN73 GAC Communiqué, the GAC noted that “The GPI framework could be adapted and applied by all ACs and SOs in their work, including, for example, through the process of developing and endorsing policy recommendations, decisions and public comments.”
- How does the GNSO Council see its role in ensuring that public interest concerns are “not only considered but also effectively addressed” in ICANN policy making?
- Does the GNSO Council intend adapting the GPI Framework tool to the GNSO Council’s own needs?