- jonathan.zuckto send bullets about UA to Justine Chew.
- hadia.elminiawi and ccNSO Liaison otieno.barrack to examine / comment on the ccNSO PDP3: Initial Proposals for Process to Retire ccTLDs.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to update workspace and website regarding OFBSC (Operations).
- Yesim Saglam to coordinate with jonathan.zuck and Justine Chew on scheduling At-Large GeoNames Survey call with interpretation and a second Single Issue call on Registry Commitments and GAC Advice/GAC Early Warning during week of 11 May. To invite suitable GAC rep to said second Single Issue Call.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule next CPWG on 13 May at 19 UTC (TBC).
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