Meeting #37 - 15 August 2018 @ 15:30 UTC
Meeting #37 - 15 August 2018 @ 15:30 UTC
Leadership Members: Susan Kawaguchi, Alan Greenberg
ICANN Organization: Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Lisa Phifer
Apologies: Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI
- Progress report on producing draft report & discussion
- ICANN 63
- Face-to-Face Meeting #4
- Preparing for Plenary Meeting #39 (20 Aug)
- A.O.B.
Documents: PDF
AC Chat: EN
Decisions Reached:
- Agreement with interview in principle.
Action Items:
- Susan to review proposed language from Volker from grandfathering and suggest alternative by COB today. This item should be discussed on plenary call #39.
- Common interface, Anything new will be flagged in the consolidated report as not having been reviewed. These items should be raised on plenary call#39.
- Susan/Lisa to circulate new section on compliance today.
- If Stephanie has edits on Susan's proposed language relative to risk-based approach, she can suggest them as part of round of comments on draft report.
- ICANN org to incorporate Alan's text on OECD as proposed in the consolidated draft, and Alan to propose additional text for discussion on call #39.
- Executive summary to be inserted as is into draft report
- ICANN org to produce consolidated draft report without redlines. RT can refer to last subgroup report for redlined substantives changes since 30 July.
- ICANN org to confirm face-to-face meeting #4 location: Brussels
- In meeting objectives for F2F#4 , point #2 should be finalize recommendation, point #3 finalize report contents.
- Add Bylaw amendments as agenda item for call #39
- 17 August/24 August calls with Alan to be scheduled at - 12:00 UTC to confirm timing of agenda items and refine the agenda.