SSR2 Meeting #34 - 27 October 2017 (F2F Abu Dhabi) - Day 1
Attendees, Recordings & Transcripts
Day 1 - Friday, 27 Oct 9:00 - 5:30 PM/GST |
Team: Boban Krsic, Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil, Geoff Huston, Kaveh Ranjbar, Norm Ritchie, Ram Krishna Pariyar, Žarko Kecic.
Guests: None
Observers: Lars Hoffmann
Remote Participants: Jabhera Matogoro
ICANN Organization: Alice Jansen, Larisa Gurnick, Negar Farzinnia, Jennifer Bryce, Steve Conte
Apologies: Alain Patrick Aina, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Mohamad Amin Hasbini, Noorul Ameen, Don Blumenthal, James Gannon
- Adobe Connect Replay
Audio Part 1:
Audio Part 2:
ICANN60 Outreach slides here: SSR2 Outreach Slides - v2 for editing.ppt.pdf
Subtopics list here:
Workplan here:
Agenda & Details
Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency of the Domain Name System (SSR2) Review Team Face-to-Face Meeting
Interested in the security, stability, and resiliency of the Domain Name System (DNS)? Observe the second day of SSR2 Review Team’s two-day face-to-face meeting on 03 November 2017 in Abu Dhabi.
The team is examining security, operational stability, and resiliency matters relating to ICANN’s coordination of the Internet's system of unique identifiers. At this meeting, the team will continue to progress its work in the five key areas of the review:
• ICANN's implementation of community recommendations from the first SSR Review (SSR1).
• The completeness and effectiveness of ICANN's internal SSR processes.
• ICANN activities that impact the security and stability of the DNS.
• ICANN's strategy to address potential future challenges to the secure and resilient operation of the unique identifiers systems it coordinates.
• The impact of the IANA stewardship transition on the security of ICANN and the unique identifier systems it coordinates.
Learn more about the progress and background of SSR2 by visiting the SSR2 wiki and SSR2 homepage on
Participation Details:
For both face-to-face sessions on Friday, 27 October and 03 November 2017 @ 09:00 - 17:30: Physical Room: Capital Suite 01
Remote Participation Link -
- English Audio -
- Tags -DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions), ICANN (Internet Corp for Assigned Names & Numbers), SSAC (Security and Stability Advisory Committee)
Notes/Action Items/Photos
Reading List