Meeting #17 - 7 February 2018

Meeting #17 - 7 February 2018


Leadership Members:  Alan, Cathrin, Susan

ICANN Organization:  Lisa, Alice, Jean-Baptiste, Brenda

Apologies:  /


  1. Welcome, roll-call, SoI updates
  2. Terms of Reference and Work Plan
  3. Subgroups Status Update
  4. Fact Sheets
  5. Confirm Decisions Reached And Action Items
  6. A.O.B. 



AC Chat:  EN

Action Items:

  • Subgroups: Leaders to send answers for their respective subgroup to Review Team list to encourage subgroup rapporteurs to share their input and meet the deadline
  • ICANN org to follow up on travel to F2F meeting #2 in Brussels with Travel department
  • Terms of Reference/Work Plan: ICANN org to remove references to "draft" and send the documents to ICANN Board through support team
  • ICANN org to add ICANN62 engagement session to Brussels face-to-face meeting agenda