Meeting #18 - 14 February
Meeting #18 - 14 February
Leadership Members: Cathrin, Alan, Susan
ICANN Organization: Lisa, Alice, Jean-Baptiste, Brenda
Apologies: /
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI updates
- Terms of Reference and Work Plan
- Subgroups Update
- Fact Sheet
- Outreach Plan
- Confirm Decisions Reached And Action Items
- A.O.B.
AC Chat: EN
Action Items:
- ICANN org to reach out to Team members who have not confirmed participation in the next plenary call to ensure they are joining this Monday's call.
- Alan to send an email to all subgroups on which Susan/Cathrin are not on to create incentives to deliver input to prepared for the ftof meeting in Brussels.
- ICANN org to liaise with groups where Volker is the rapporteur to provide an update on each subgroup
- ICANN org to change title #3 in plenary agenda #20 to subgroup membership review
- ICANN org to add recommendation on registrant user data to plenary agenda
- ICANN org to add blog post on "Terms of Reference and Workplan delivered and approved by the ICANN Board" on the plenary #20 agenda.