SSR2 Meeting #4 - 28 March 2017 @ 14:00 UTC
Team: Boban Krsic, Cathy Handley, Denise Michel, Don Blumenthal, Emily Taylor, Eric Osterweil, Jabhera Matogoro, Kaveh Ranibar, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Mohamad Amin Hasbini, Noorul Ameen, Ram Krishna Pariyar, Zarko Kecic
Observers: Brian Aitchison, Davey Song, George Sadowsky, Laena Rahim, Negar Farzinnia, Olha Vasylevych
Staff: Alice Jansen, Bernard Turcotte, Karen Mulberry, Margie Milam, Jennifer Bryce, Steve Conte, Yvette Guigneaux
Apologies: James Gannon, Alain Aina, Geoff Huston
1. Updated SOIs, note apologies/absences
2. Review Action Items list (see staff email)
3. Confirm conference call rotation and date & location of next few meetings (see staff email)
4. Developing SSR2 Scope & Workplan, next steps
5. Identify SSR issues members think are important for Team to explore (follow-up on Copenhagen brainstorming – please review results on wiki)
6. Developing initial outreach list (see Denise’s email)
7. Co-Chairs work and processes
8. AOB
Discussion documents
Slides - SSR2 Plenary 4 - 28 March 2017
Draft Action items - Meeting #3 - 22 March 2017
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN