SSR2 Meeting #37 - 19 July 2018 @ 20:00 UTC
Review Team Members: Alain Aina, Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil, Kaveh Ranjbar, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Laurin Weissinger, Noorul Ameen, Norm Ritchie, RamKrishna Pariyar
Facilitator: Phil Khoury
Observers: George Sadowsky
ICANN Organization: Negar Farzinnia, Alice Jansen, Steve Conte, Yvette Guigneaux
Guests: None
Apologies: Boban Krsic, Scott McCormick, Amin Hasbini, Naveed Bin Rais, Geoff Huston, Jabhera Matogoro, Jennifer Bryce
Audio recording: EN
AC recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: EN
Observer Chat Transcript: EN
Documents: PDF
Plenary Call Report: PDF
Decisions Reached: Team agreed to request a face-to-face meeting in Barcelona prior to ICANN63.
Action Items:
- Phil to provide a summary of deliverables established in contract
- Phil to circulate a request for volunteers to produce a narrative of methodology used to determine scope of work, division of work/subgroups (incl. progress)
- ICANN org to pull together a SSR1 implementation package (briefing materials, SSR1 implementation related questions) for posting on the ICANN wiki
- Phil calls for suggestions on how to recommence review work (see list on slide 8) in preparation for the DC meeting
- RT members to provide feedback on draft set of objectives for DC face-to-face meeting
- ICANN org to continue reminding people that they should book flights asap.
- ICANN org to provide Phil with information on meeting room layout/size etc.
- Include budget discussion in the DC meeting objectives
- ICANN org to submit a request for a two-day face-to-face meeting prior to ICANN63
- ICANN org to provide an overview of restrictions associated scheduling during ICANN meetings
- ICANN org/Phil to put forward proposed times in next couple of days
- ICANN org to send meeting minutes to Phil for edits
- ICANN org to find out what the current FY budget is
- Attendances, apologies, admin issues
- Brief update from Phil on progress with interviews and proposed report-back
- Minutes – discussion, proposal – Phil to draft ‘model minutes’ from this meeting – to be reviewed by RT
- Induction for new members – progress, feedback so far from new members
- Recommencing Review work
- Discuss suggestion for preparation of a summary of status of work completed, status of workplan, outstanding RT tasklists, staff tasks
- SSR2 scope – suggestions re: possible preparation for team
- Initial discussion about (F2F)
- Draft objectives for meeting (attachment)
- “What are we going to do for three whole days?”
- Issues for resolution over next couple of weeks – eg. ground rules, remote attendance, observers, communication of outcomes
- Preparation/homework over next few weeks
- Progress report on preparation for face-to-face (F2F) meeting - from staff on attendance, administration, travel, etc
- SSR2 revised timeline and budget – discussion - how and when to resolve
- Next F2F at ICANN63 Barcelona
- Discussion and decision - F2F RT meeting before main session, deadline July 20
- Discussion on open engagement session – deadline mid-September
- Next teleconference meetings – results of Poll – recommendation
- Schedule all meetings up to F2F only
- 3 meetings – approximately August 2nd, 9th and 16th
- Resolve ongoing schedules in light of F2F outcomes
Call Details 20:00-21:00 UTC (timezone converter here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to Learn more about how you can observe SSR2 meetings - see here. |