SSR2 Meeting #37 - 19 July 2018 @ 20:00 UTC

SSR2 Meeting #37 - 19 July 2018 @ 20:00 UTC


Review Team Members: Alain Aina, Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil, Kaveh Ranjbar, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Laurin Weissinger, Noorul Ameen, Norm Ritchie, RamKrishna Pariyar

Facilitator:   Phil Khoury

Observers:  George Sadowsky

ICANN Organization:  Negar Farzinnia, Alice Jansen, Steve Conte, Yvette Guigneaux

Guests:   None

Apologies:  Boban Krsic, Scott McCormick, Amin Hasbini, Naveed Bin Rais, Geoff Huston, Jabhera Matogoro, Jennifer Bryce

Audio recordingEN

AC recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:  EN

Observer Chat Transcript: EN

Documents: PDF

Plenary Call Report: PDF

Decisions Reached: Team agreed to request a face-to-face meeting in Barcelona prior to ICANN63. 

Action Items:

  • Phil to provide a summary of deliverables established in contract
  • Phil to circulate a request for volunteers to produce a narrative of methodology used to determine scope of work, division of work/subgroups (incl. progress)
  • ICANN org to pull together a SSR1 implementation package (briefing materials, SSR1 implementation related questions) for posting on the ICANN wiki
  • Phil calls for suggestions on how to recommence review work (see list on slide 8) in preparation for the DC meeting
  • RT members to provide feedback on draft set of objectives for DC face-to-face meeting 
  • ICANN org to continue reminding people that they should book flights asap. 
  • ICANN org to provide Phil with information on meeting room layout/size etc.
  • Include budget discussion in the DC meeting objectives
  • ICANN org to submit a request for a two-day face-to-face meeting prior to ICANN63 
  • ICANN org to provide an overview of restrictions associated scheduling during ICANN meetings
  • ICANN org/Phil to put forward proposed times in next couple of days
  • ICANN org to send meeting minutes to Phil for edits
  • ICANN org to find out what the current FY budget is 


  1. Attendances, apologies, admin issues 
  2. Brief update from Phil on progress with interviews and proposed report-back
  3. Minutes – discussion, proposal – Phil to draft ‘model minutes’ from this meeting – to be reviewed by RT
  4. Induction for new members – progress, feedback so far from new members
  5. Recommencing Review work 
    1. Discuss suggestion for preparation of a summary of status of work completed, status of workplan, outstanding RT tasklists, staff tasks
    2. SSR2 scope – suggestions re: possible preparation for team
  6. Initial discussion about (F2F) 
    1. Draft objectives for meeting (attachment)
    2. “What are we going to do for three whole days?”
    3. Issues for resolution over next couple of weeks – eg. ground rules, remote attendance, observers, communication of outcomes
    4. Preparation/homework over next few weeks
  7. Progress report on preparation for face-to-face (F2F) meeting - from staff on attendance, administration, travel, etc
  8. SSR2 revised timeline and budget – discussion - how and when to resolve
  9. Next F2F at ICANN63 Barcelona  
    1. Discussion and decision - F2F RT meeting before main session, deadline July 20
    2. Discussion on open engagement session – deadline mid-September
  10. Next teleconference meetings – results of Poll – recommendation
    1. Schedule all meetings up to F2F only
    2. 3 meetings – approximately August 2nd, 9th and 16th
    3. Resolve ongoing schedules in light of F2F outcomes

Call Details

20:00-21:00 UTC (timezone converter here)

Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to https://participate.icann.org/ssrreview-observers

Learn more about how you can observe SSR2 meetings - see here.