Recommendation 5
Summary of recommendation: ALAC should develop strategic and operational plans (including performance criteria and cost information) as part of ICANN’s planning process.
Summary of tasks in implementation:
- For both strategic and operational planning: Current At-Large processes used to conribute to ICANN planning will be reviewed, and any barriers identified. Any follow-up plans will be agreed to by ALAC and RALOs.
- At-Large staff support levels and budget allocations in FY2009-2010 will be reviewed, and support increased, as provided throughout this project and the Final Report.
- ALAC and staff will develop an annual support agreement.
Rec. | Sub-Task | Implementation Task | Status | Notes |
5.1 |
| Identify barriers within ALAC processes used to contribute to strategic planning and propose follow‐up | Complete | The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this task will be disseminated amongst the ALAC Chair, the Executive Committee, the Director of At-Large, and RALO leaders. |
| 5.1(a) | Ratify the strategic planning process reflected in the flowchart titled “Figure C-1: Proposed At-Large Strategic Planning Process” (see Appendix 2), by which the ALAC could contribute to ICANN’s strategic planning. | Complete | See: ALAC At-Large Policy Advice Development (PAD) Process Workspace |
| 5.1(b) | Review and amend the ALAC’s strategic planning process yearly, in line with annual amendments to ICANN’s overall strategic planning process. | Complete | See: ALAC At-Large Policy Advice Development (PAD) Process Workspace |
| 5.1(c) | Conduct periodic “SWOT” (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analyses of the At-Large strategic planning process, in conjunction with the RALOs (as WT C did), and compare the results of these analyses to identify areas that have improved or deteriorated. | Complete | The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this task will be disseminated amongst ALAC Chair, the Executive Committee, the Director of At-Large, and RALO leaders. |
| 5.1(d) | Articulate ALAC’s and At-Large’s vision and mission. | Substantially Complete | See: At-Large Improvements Implementation Taskforce Workshop 13-03-2012 |
| 5.1(e) | Use appropriate metrics to ensure that the ALSes are diverse, effective and well-informed. | Complete | The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for the establishment and review of these measures is allocated to the Metrics SC and the ALAC as a whole. The ALAC Metrics sub-committee will begin operation in March 2012. |
| 5.1(f) | Initiate, develop and maintain an institutional knowledge management and retention system for At-Large. | Complete | The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the continuing Action Items on this sub-task will be disseminated amongst At-Large Staff and At-Large Members as past and present Members of the ALAC and At-Large Community and will be required to integrate with required future ICANN wide systems. |
| 5.1(g) | Encourage the five RALOs to coordinate their outreach and “inreach” policies in order to facilitate the search for new skill sets needed within At-Large. | Complete | The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this task will be disseminated amongst the ALAC Chair, the Executive Committee, the Director of At-Large, and RALO leaders. |
| 5.1(h) | Continue actively pursuing At-Large growth, for the overall benefit of ICANN. | Complete | The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this task will be disseminated amongst the ALAC Chair, the Executive Committee, the Director of At-Large, and RALO leaders. |
| 5.1(i) | In attempting to get the ALAC’s outreach projects funded, emphasize their role not only as a strategic resource benefiting the ALAC and RALOs but also as part of a wider ICANN legitimacy process. | Complete | The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this task will be disseminated amongst the ALAC Chair, the Executive Committee, the Director of At-Large, and RALO leaders. |
| 5.1(j) | Continue to encourage ICANN to prioritize and increase funding for outreach activities. | Complete | The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this task will be disseminated amongst the ALAC Chair, the Executive Committee, the Director of At-Large, and RALO leaders. |
5.2 |
| Identify barriers within ALAC processes used to contribute to operational planning and propose follow‐up | Substantially Complete |
| 5.2(a) | Ratify the operational and financial planning process reflected in the flowchart titled “Figure C-3: Proposed At-Large Operational and Financial Planning Process” (see Appendix 2), by which the ALAC could contribute to ICANN’s operational and financial planning. | Complete | The ALAC has determined that, for this action item to be effective, it must be performed on a recurring schedule. The item has been completed previously on February 2012, and the ALAC and ICANN Staff will consider when it should be next repeated by the At-Large community once every year in January. |
| 5.2(b) | Acknowledge and encourage a continuation of the better collaboration between the ALAC and ICANN’s Finance staff seen in preparing the FY2012 Budget. | Complete |
| 5.2(c) | Conduct periodic “SWOT” (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analyses of the At-Large operational and financial planning process, in conjunction with the RALOs (as WT C did), and compare the results of these analyses to identify areas that have improved or deteriorated. | Complete | |
| 5.2(d) | Formalize the process by which the ALAC collects operational demands from the RALOs and includes them in its operational plans. | Complete | See: ALAC At-Large Policy Advice Development (PAD) Process Workspace |
| 5.2(e) | Clearly estimate and document the time required for the ALAC’s operational processes (e.g., responding to a call for Public Comments) and use these estimates to formalize its operational processes. | Substantially Complete | This sub-task is in progress, but its completion will depend on current changess in ICANN processes. |
| 5.2(f) | Continue requesting face-to-face funded general assemblies (GAs) for each RALO every three years and an At-Large Summit. | Substantially Complete | See: At-Large Event Roadmap |
| 5.2(g) | Continue to assist the RALOs in completing their annual ICANN requests for funding, as needed, in terms of writing, packaging and advocacy. | Complete | The ALAC has determined that, for this action item to be effective, it must be performed on a recurring schedule. The item has been completed previously on February 2012, and the ALAC and ICANN Staff will consider when it should be next repeated by the At-Large community once every year in January. |
5.3 |
| Review ongoing At‐Large staff support levels and budget allocations in FY2009‐10 and increase support as provided throughout this project, consistent with recommendations in Final Report | Complete | The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this task will be disseminated amongst ALAC Chair and the Director of At-Large. |
| 5.3(a) | Continue to monitor its level of needed staff support and ICANN’s commitment to and progress in filling open staff positions. | Complete |
| 5.3(b) | ALAC and staff should develop an annual support agreement | Withdrawn | This task is no longer relevant due to the following changes within ICANN in recent years (i.e., since submission of the ALAC Review Final Report):* An increase in staff resources dedicated to At-Large (as of September 2011, all allotted At-Large staff positions had been filled);