2024-06-17 RDRS Standing Committee - Meeting #10

2024-06-17 RDRS Standing Committee - Meeting #10

The call will take place on Monday, 17 June 2024 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see: http://tinyurl.com/2s4yjkh6


  1. Welcome
  2. ICANN80 RDRS Sessions Debrief/Discussion
  3. RDRS Usage Metrics Report
    • Discuss and agree on the list of new metrics to add to the monthly reports
  4. RDRS System Enhancements
    • Next for Registrars
      1. Discuss and agree on the next enhancements (Priority 2, 6 & 7?) from the Impressions Document [docs.google.com]
    • Next for Requestors
      1. Discuss and agree on the next enhancements (Priority 1, 2,or 3?) from Impressions Document

     5. Update on Impression Document requested changes and management

     6. AOB

    • Follow up on some questions from the Standing Committee on our last call
    • Corrected Usage Metrics Reports for March and April have been published
    • Usage Metrics Report for May will be published this week.



Apologies: Thomas Rickert



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

AI: SC Chair to send letter to GNSO Council and inform them about out-of-scope matters regarding RDRS and for them to share with CPH. 

AI: SC Chair suggested to inquire the GNSO Council about the follow up policy process after the RDRS pilot phase ends.

AI: ICANN Org to investigate the possibility to represent integer numbers with percentage of total by month in total for Metric 8. (table on request types)

AI: ICANN Org to go ahead and implement that change to metric 10 based on original request.

AI:  ICANN Org to consider percentage between ccTLD and gTLD request to see if ccTLD inclusion is warranted.

AI: ICANN Org to complete the transition of old impressions document into new format by Monday 24 June. 

AI: SC members to add “ownership” of change request in new impressions document before next meeting.

AI: ICANN Org to add additional columns on “impact for successor system”.

AI: ICANN Org to consider an additional tap in impressions document for lessons learnt.

AI: Chair to check with SC, who will attend on 1st of July? If the participants list is too low, the SC meeting will be moved to the week after. (8 July)

  1. Welcome
  2. ICANN80 RDRS Sessions Debrief/Discussion
    • There were 3 sessions taking place during ICANN80 that discussed RDRS
    • 1 working session, 2 community sessions
    • Outcome: mostly positive, some misunderstandings have been clarified like the privacy/proxy clarification. 
    • SC members pointed out that some users might be overwhelmed with the terminology used on RDRS to explain the system.
    • SC members pointed out to some users that explained that their disclosure rate was lower via RDRS than having gone directly to the registrar. 
    • SC members suggested that when we discuss enhancements, we should ask the following questions: Should we do it? And for what benefit?
    • SC members pointed out that there is a lack of awareness that the RDRS exists. Maybe more outreaches should be done? How are we measuring demand?

AI: SC Chair to send letter to GNSO Council and inform them about out-of-scope matters regarding RDRS and for them to share with CPH. 

AI: SC Chair suggested to inquire the GNSO Council about the follow up policy process after the RDRS pilot phase ends.

  1. RDRS Usage Metrics Report
    • Discuss and agree on the list of new metrics to add to the monthly reports
    • SC members suggested for Metric 8 that underneath each of the integer numbers in the table. What if we had a percentage of total?

AI: ICANN Org to investigate the possibility to represent integer numbers with percentage of total by month in total for Metric 8. (table on request types)

  • ICANN Org asked for consent regarding change requests related to metric 10 – add the percentages and the number totals by month and since the launch of RDRS.

AI: ICANN Org to go ahead and implement that change to metric 10 based on original request.

  • SC members asked to add percentage between ccTLD and gTLD request to see if ccTLD inclusion is warranted. ICANN will investigate adding this to Metric 10.
  • SC Chair provided historical reasons why ccTLDs were not included in the RDRS pilot phase.

AI:  ICANN Org to consider percentage between ccTLD and gTLD request to see if ccTLD inclusion is warranted.

  • ICANN Org explained there may be a small number of ccTLD requests compared to the gTLD requests. This might not show any significant number in percentage. ICANN org will investigate further and provide update to SC 
  1. RDRS System Enhancements
    • Next for Registrars

i.Discuss and agree on the next enhancements (Priority 2, 6 & 7?) from the Impressions Document [docs.google.com]

  • Next for Requesters

                                                                     i.Discuss and agree on the next enhancements (Priority 1, 2,or 3?) from Impressions Document

  1. Update on Impression Document requested changes and management
    • New design of impressions document has been welcome.
    • Request by ICANN org for SC to provide all requests for enhancement in the document.

AI: ICANN Org to complete the transition of old impressions document into new format by Monday 24 June. 

  • New requests to the impressions document can then be added by SC after that. 

AI: SC members to add “ownership” of change request in new impressions document before next meeting.

  • SC members suggested adding an additional column for “impact on successor system”. This would allow a mechanism to make clear that SC is not asking for big issues to be solved within the next 18 months but highlighted that they need to be considered for the successor.

AI: ICANN Org to add additional columns on “impact for successor system”.

AI: ICANN Org to consider an additional tap in impressions document for lessons learnt.

  1. AOB
  • Follow up on some questions from the Standing Committee on our last call. We did not get to cover this on the  call.
  • Corrected Usage Metrics Reports for March and April have been published
  • Usage Metrics Report for May will be published this week.

AI: Chair to check with SC, who will attend on 1st of July? If the participants list is too low, the SC meeting will be moved to the week after. (8 July)