2024-12-02 RDRS Standing Committee - Meeting #21

2024-12-02 RDRS Standing Committee - Meeting #21

The call will take place on Monday, 02 December 2024 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/mvjwpdzt


  1. Welcome (2min)
  2. Pending AIs (5min)
  3. Debrief/Discussion on SC session at ICANN81 (20min)
  4. Final Report- Potential timeline (15 min)
  5. Debrief on RDRS User Experience Interviews ICANN81 (10min)
  6. AOB (8min)
  • Debrief of RCMP presentation on 5 November (Sarah)



Apologies: Steve DelBianco, Sebastien Ducos



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

Action Item: RDRS standing committee members to provide final report feedback to the workbook [docs.google.com] by Friday, December 6. Feedback to be provided in the Workbook Tab named “Feedback for Findings Report”. In cases where the workbook doesn’t work, SC members can send feedback via Email/distribution list. 

Action Item: ICANN Org to update Workbook [docs.google.com] with new columns in Final Report Tab:

      • Rationale of identified Observation/Feedback – SC Owner
      • Do you agree with Observation – Yes/No – Why – Comments – Other SC members

  1. Welcome (2min)
  2. Pending AIs (5min)
    • Deadline for standing committee members to provide final report feedback to the workbook: Friday, December 6.
    • Feedback to be provided in the Workbook Tab named “Feedback for Findings Report”. In cases where the workbook doesn’t work, SC members can send feedback via Email/distribution list. 
    • SC members to include events in the outreach tracker, where relevant. 
    • Gabriel Andrews highlighted ongoing efforts to include GAC statements in summaries for the final report/workbook.
  3. Debrief/Discussion on SC session at ICANN81 (20min)
    • Concerns raised against framing disclosure as the only successful outcome, noting that such a narrative is legally inaccurate. Stressed the need to align stakeholder expectations with the system’s actual purpose and legal framework. (Thomas Rickert)
    • Suggested discussions during ICANN81 conflated two distinct topics: a) Lessons learned from RDRS operations (Assignment 3) and b) Recommendations for next steps (Assignment 4). Suggestion focusing on qualitative feedback rather than overly emphasizing quantitative metrics, which may not reflect the system’s nuances. (Marc Anderson)
    • Pointed out that there seems to be the assumption that RDRS metrics should directly inform a decision to proceed with SSAD. Highlighted the importance of distinguishing between RDRS as a pilot and the broader question of whether SSAD is the appropriate next step. (Steve Crocker)
    • Discussions around outreach and public awareness challenges regarding RDRS. Reiterated the need for stronger outreach, including embedding links to RDRS in RDAP output. Noted that RDRS’s limited “visibility” might undermine its utility as a pilot. (Gabriel Andrews)
    • SC members raised the question, if metrics and system enhancements will continue even  if the final report is finished before the 2year pilot ends. ICANN staff confirmed metrics will continue to be published for the full pilot period and SC agreed to discuss the system enhancements matter further. 
  4. Final Report- Potential timeline (15 min)
    • ICANN Org presented the tentative timeline for the final report. 
    • Divide the work based on assignments 1, 2, 3, 4.
    • Start collecting comments and feedback from RDRS SC on Assignment 1 observations – Workbook –  6 December.
    • RDRS SC to review the input made by their colleagues and provide feedback – 16 December
    • ICANN Org to update Workbook with new columns in Final Report Tab:
      • Rationale of identified Observation/Feedback – SC Owner
      • Do you agree with Observation – Yes/No – Why – Comments – Other SC members
    • ICANN Org to review the input from workbook and populate the Final Report template with input for further RDRS SC feedback:
      • 13 January – Assignment 1
      • 27 January – Assignment 2
      • 10 February – Assignment 3
      • 24 February – Assignment 4
    • Final Review and Editing – ICANN82 and beyond
  5. Debrief on RDRS User Experience Interviews ICANN81 (10min)
    • ICANN Org conducted 8 interviews; one additional interview this week
    • Feedback Highlights:
    • Positives: User-friendly layout, good system performance, template is useful.
    • Challenges: Bulk feature inefficiency, lack of explanation in denials, often no  communication from registrars outside the RDRS platform.
    • Suggestions for Improvements: API integration, registrar participation for affiliated privacy/proxy services, better explanations in request form,  promotion of RDRS in RDAP output, explanation for each request category
    • Written summary report planned for integration into the final findings.
  6. AOB (8min)
    • Debrief of RCMP Presentation (Sarah Wyld)
    • Provided an overview of the RDRS system to 45 RCMP participants.
    • Positive feedback noted; discussion on templates was limited due to time constraints.
    • Metrics and Proxy Disclosure Discussion (Gabriel Andrews)
    • Highlighted a potential data shift in metrics due to changes in registrar practices for privacy/proxy service disclosures.