#3 - July 26, 2018 @ 20:00 UTC
#3 - July 26, 2018 @ 20:00 UTC
Attendees: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Tom Barrett, Brenden Kuerbis, Nadira Al-Araj, Jon Nevett, Jonathan Cohen, Ken Stubbs, Bruce Tonkin
ICANN Org: Lars Hoffmann, Angie Graves, Yvette Guigneaux
Apologies: Leah Symekher, Yrjö Länsipuro
MP3 Audio Replay: EN
Adobe Connect Replay: HERE
Chat Transcript: EN
Feasibility Assessment & Initial Implementation Plan (FAIIP) template: NomCom2Review FAIIP (PDF)
FAIIP template is subject to change based on IPT input
Meeting Materials:
Categorization of recommendations (Google Doc)
Sign-up sheet (Doodle Poll)
Survey results (Excel spreadsheet)
, multiple selections available,