21 June 2014

21 June 2014

The next Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation meeting is scheduled for Saturday, 21 June June 2014 at 0730 local time during the ICANN-50 meeting in London, England (0630 UTC, 0230 EDT, 2330 PDT 20 June) 

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/ldqwwoe

Adobe Connect: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/standcommdraft/

Proposed Agenda (subject to change):

  1. Roll Call/SOI updates (3 minutes)
  2. Introduction to the work of the SCI and its current work requests (5 minutes)
  3. Discussion of the proposed Waiver of Council Motions Deadline language (15 minutes)
  4. Discussion of the proposed Electronic Voting language (40 minutes)
  5. AOB (10 minutes)
  6. Next steps (2 minutes)


1.  Waiver of Motions Deadline: Review proposed language (to be sent to the list) for Option C.  Send comments in 14 days.

2.  Electronic voting: Continue consideration of issues concerning quorum.

Documents for Review:

SCI - Remote or Electronic Voting Language 12 June 2014[1].docx

Waiver of 10 Day Motion Deadline - 18 June 2014.doc