22 July 2014

22 July 2014

The next Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation meeting teleconference is scheduled on Tuesday 22 July 2014 at 19:00 UTC for 1 hour

12:00 PDT , 15:00 EDT,  20:00 London, 21:00 CET. For other times: http://tinyurl.com/nwlrsjs


Adobe Connect:




  1. Roll Call/Updates to SOI
  2. Closing of discussion on Waiver of 10-day Motion Deadline
  3. Continuation of discussion on Electronic Voting
  4. Next steps


1.  Waiver of 10-Day Motion Deadline: 1) Put the language out for a formal consensus call (consensus must be unanimous) 2) If consensus is achieved combine with other changes to the Operating Procedures for public comment.

2.  Remote/Electronic Voting: 1) Take out "regularly scheduled" in both instances where it appears in paragraph 5. 2) Send the revised language out for consensus call (consensus must be unanimous). 3) If consensus is acheived combine with other changes to the Operating Procedures for public comment.

 Documents for Review:

Waiver of 10 Day Motion Deadline - 8 July 2014

SCI - Remote or Electronic Voting 14 July 2014