IOT Meeting #95 | 30 August 2022 @ 18 UTC
Members: David McAuley, Kristina Rosette, Kavouss Arasteh, Kurt Pritz, Malcolm Hutty, Mike Rodenbaugh, Susan Payne
Guests/Observers: Becky Burr, Kate Wallace, Liz Le
ICANN Org: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Flip Petillion
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
- Review agenda and updates to SOIs.
- Review action items
- SP – finalize rule 4 text and circulate for consensus
- Update on Standing Panel (DM).
- Explanation of the proposed final text of Rule 4 (see separate email) and next steps
- Review and discuss next steps on outstanding items on the IRP Interim Rules
- Confirmation of next meetings:
- ICANN75 – Closed IRP-IOT work session
- 18 September at 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM (MYT)
- Next Plenary TBA
- ICANN75 – Closed IRP-IOT work session
Transcript: PDF
Zoom Chat Transcript:
00:20:26 David McAuley (Verisign): Congratulations, Susan
00:20:38 Mike Rodenbaugh: and condolences
00:21:08 Kristina Rosette: Congratulations, Susan!
00:30:55 Kristina Rosette: Submitting my apologies now for missing the F2F work session on the 18th. (I've just done the time zone conversion for KL.)
00:32:35 Liz Le - ICANN Org: Currently, none of the IRP CRG meetings are open meetings.
00:32:51 Susan Payne: thanks Kristina, noted
00:32:53 Bernard Turcotte: ICANN 75 IOT meeting - Sunday, September 18, 2022 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM (SGT) IRP-IOT Working Session [C] (Confirmed) Room: 306
00:33:36 David McAuley (Verisign): That's great news, Bernie
00:33:47 Bernard Turcotte: ;-)
00:38:21 Bernard Turcotte: SGT -8 = UTC therefore 16:30 SGT = 8:30 UTC = 04:30 (AM) New York
00:43:41 Mike Rodenbaugh: Malcolm, could you please state your opposition as to repose for the record of this call today, in a few sentences? Or do that on the list again soon. I hear your frustration probably share it…
00:44:18 Kristina Rosette: +1 Mike. I think that would be very helpful.
00:44:44 Mike Rodenbaugh: I questions the consensus designation also
00:46:19 Liz Le - ICANN Org: Org supports your suggestion that members should be permitted to formally express their postion by 8 September.
01:06:15 Malcolm Hutty: I'm afraid I need to go. I'm on annual leave today anyway, just needed to contribute on Rule 4.
01:09:56 Mike Rodenbaugh: i led a small subteam and do not see our issues on these slides
01:12:13 Mike Rodenbaugh: I have seen panel selection take 6 months
01:16:33 Mike Rodenbaugh: the Bylaws call for “specially trained" panelists on the SP. So I query who is doing that training and with what materials, and how long it will take. Does this group engage on that topic?
01:20:20 Bernard Turcotte: Time check - 25 minutes left in the call
01:20:28 David McAuley (Verisign): I do think there is a role for subteams for some of this agenda list
01:24:00 David McAuley (Verisign): I agree it is good to flag these items now
01:25:21 David McAuley (Verisign): This non-response by ICANN is in bylaws but is very hard to imagine.
01:25:34 Mike Rodenbaugh: extremely
01:25:41 Liz Le - ICANN Org: Indeed
01:25:48 Mike Rodenbaugh: and so they would default and lose… right? what is the issue here??
01:25:58 Kristina Rosette: Exactly, Mike.
01:26:12 David McAuley (Verisign): Not lose for sure - panel still considers the matter
01:26:31 Mike Rodenbaugh: sure, just like a default in court. the judge would still have to make a ruling.
01:26:53 David McAuley (Verisign): right - and a frivolous claim would still go down in flames
01:29:19 Bernard Turcotte: correct
01:29:27 Mike Rodenbaugh: ICANN will still respond
01:31:15 Mike Rodenbaugh: "If ICANN fails to respond, then the Panel shall proceed to render judgment in due course.”
01:32:28 David McAuley (Verisign): I'm still willing to be in this subgroup
01:33:36 David McAuley (Verisign): it was, thanks Susan
01:35:42 Mike Rodenbaugh: Appeals is a much more important issue. That "clear error" standard is not in the bylaws
01:35:51 Liz Le - ICANN Org: Org can draft suggested language for rules around ICANN non-response to an IRP filing
01:40:18 Kristina Rosette: Agree with David.
01:43:53 David McAuley (Verisign): we more than others are looking at bylaw 4.3 and I hope we make recommendations at the end of our work
01:44:31 Mike Rodenbaugh: agree, strongly
01:44:42 Mike Rodenbaugh: thx all, see you in KL
01:44:51 David McAuley (Verisign): Thank you, Susan, Bernie, Brenda, and all