IOT Meeting #94 | 26 July 2022 @ 18 UTC
Members: David McAuley, Flip Petillion, Greg Shatan, Kavouss Arasteh, Kurt Pritz, Malcolm Hutty, Sam Eisner, Scott Austin, Susan Payne
Guests/Observers: Becky Burr, Liz Le
ICANN Org: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: /
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
- Review agenda and updates to SOIs.
- Review action items
- SP - Prepare a draft work plan (in process).
- SP – Arrange a meeting of the Consolidation sub-group to finalize the Rule 7 document.
- Confirm the possibility of an in-person plenary meeting at ICANN 75.
- Update on Standing Panel (DM).
- Finalize discussions of rule 4.
- Process for going forward with rule 4.
- Confirmation of next meetings:
- Consolidation sub-group Wednesday 27 July 18:00 UTC
- Plenary 23 August 2022, 18:00 UTC
Transcript: PDF
Documents: PROPOSED REVISIONS TO RULE 4: TIME FOR FILING draft of 26 July 2022
Zoom Chat Transcript:
00:25:29 David McAuley (Verisign): I also have an AOB item
00:31:12 Flip Petillion: I am attending ICANN 75 and am interested in meeting. Thanks.
00:31:35 Kurt Pritz: I will be attending and am interested in meeting
00:31:41 Susan Payne: me too
00:36:31 Susan Payne: Mike has also said he plans to be there
00:38:00 David McAuley (Verisign): CRG wiki: Establishment of Standing Panel for Independent Review Process Home
00:38:44 Susan Payne: tanks for the link David
00:38:47 Susan Payne: thanks
00:44:41 Greg Shatan: Thank you, Kavouss!
00:45:15 Susan Payne: understood Flip
00:49:56 Susan Payne: yes, thanks David
00:54:21 Greg Shatan: Flip, the initial list merely reflects expressions of interest. It is a “raw” list. There will be a winnowing process, followed by even more processes.
01:02:06 Flip Petillion: Thx Susan
01:02:24 David McAuley (Verisign): Yes, thank you Susan
01:09:45 David McAuley (Verisign): I like how you handled this 'exceptional' issue, Susan, in the latest draft
01:23:21 Flip Petillion: I must leave at the top of the hour - Thanks for organising and for the discussions. I'll listen to the recording of the reminder of the meeting tomorrow. Good night! Flip
01:25:53 Bernard Turcotte: Time check 25 minutes left in call
01:28:57 Becky Burr: it means seek the court's permission
01:29:05 David McAuley (Verisign): I understand seeking leave to mean seeki ng permission
01:32:08 Becky Burr: IBA rules refer to seeking permission of the arbitral body - standard construction in international arbitration rules
01:32:20 Susan Payne: thank you Becky
01:32:32 Becky Burr: IBA rules “seek leave"
01:33:12 Becky Burr: appears throughout international rules fwiw
01:35:08 Scott Austin: @Kurt +1
01:35:31 David McAuley (Verisign): +1 here also
01:37:12 Greg Shatan: I agreed with the 4 years.
01:39:09 Greg Shatan: I believe some in the group wanted a longer period, or no end at all.
01:44:30 David McAuley (Verisign): and Mike Silber in SA also and others
01:50:09 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks, Susan, Bernie, Brenda and all
01:50:21 Bernard Turcotte: bye all