IOT Meeting #85 | 25 January 2022 @ 17:00 UTC

IOT Meeting #85 | 25 January 2022 @ 17:00 UTC


Members:  Becky Burr, David McAuley, Flip Petillion, Kistina Rosette, Robin Gross, Scott Austin, Susan Payne

Guests/Observers:  Avri Doria, Kate Wallace, Liz Le

ICANN Org:  Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer

Apologies:  Mike Rodenbaugh, Malcolm Hutty, Sam Eisner

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to mssi-secretariat@icann.org **


  1. Review agenda and updates to SOIs.

  2. Review status of Action Items.

    1. ICANN Legal to comment in writing on MH proposal vs. tolling.
  3. Update from the SubGroups:

    • Initiation

    • Consolidation

  4. Continue the discussion on the Repose and Safety Valve language

    • (see notes from the previous call).

  5. Discussion on tolling vs Fixed Additional Tine.

  6. Confirmation of next meeting: 8 February 2022, 19:00 UTC.

Transcript:  PDF


Documents:  IOT-Rule 4 comparisonSP-20211223.docx

Zoom Chat Transcript:  

00:18:02 Bernard Turcotte: All the proposal the move the call rotation for these from 17:00 and 19:00 UTC to 16:00 and 19:00 UTC - most participants supported this.
00:18:46 Bernard Turcotte: oops not 16:00 but 18:00 UTC
00:18:59 David McAuley (Verisign): I like these Bernie
00:22:46 David McAuley (Verisign): we can probably consolidate around that time
00:23:08 Scott Austin: 1800 works better for me.
00:23:13 David McAuley (Verisign): audio sounds bad
00:26:25 Bernard Turcotte: will also propose that the sub-groups adopt the same rotation. Will send an email to the sub-groups to see if this works for them: Consolidation SG would then be 18:00 UTC and the Initiation SG would be at 19:00 UTC Tuesday Feb 1.
00:27:23 David McAuley (Verisign): Apologies, I have to step away for a ccNSO meeting at which I am presenting. I should be back,.
00:29:55 Becky Burr: I also have to leave at top of hour
00:42:15 Becky Burr: I could easily be wrong
00:43:06 Bernard Turcotte: Bylaws (i) A "Claimant" is any legal or natural person, group, or entity including, but not limited to the EC, a Supporting Organization, or an Advisory Committee that has been materially affected by a Dispute. To be materially affected by a Dispute, the Claimant must suffer an injury or harm that is directly and causally connected to the alleged violation.
00:43:28 Bernard Turcotte: Ffrom 4.3 B
00:44:03 Becky Burr: I stand corrected
00:45:16 Bernard Turcotte: We will be ending this call at the top of the hour in 27 minutes
00:48:04 Scott Austin: But if we are tracking that language in the Bylaws, wouldn't "becoming aware of being materially affected by the action or inaction" be more consistent? The language below it also uses the terms "from being able to file" which seems to point to similar usage.
00:58:01 Bernard Turcotte: Time check 15 minutes left in call
01:05:08 Flip Petillion: Thx Susan
01:05:18 Bernard Turcotte: in two weeks 19:00 UTC
01:05:21 Scott Austin: Thanks
01:05:30 Bernard Turcotte: that will be 8 Feb
01:05:39 Bernard Turcotte: Bye all