20 July 2017
Members: Abdalla Omari, Soulemane Oumtanaga, Nigel Roberts, Stephen Deerhake, Alejandra Reynoso, Abibu Ntahigiye, Katrina Sataki, Young Eum-Lee, Byron Holland, Debbie Monahan, Hiro Hotta, Peter Vergote (12)
NomCom/Observers/Liasons/Regional Organizations: Leonid Todorov, Peter Van Roste, Ben Fuller, Barrack Otieno, Jian Zhang, Maureen Hilyard, Ching Chiao (audio only)
Staff: Bart Boswinkel
Apologies: Margarita Valdés, Demi Getschko
Did not attend - no apology sent: Pablo Rodriguez
Recording: Mp3
- Executive summary Final paper CCWG UCTN.pdf
- Note from co-chairs CCWG UCTN 23 June 2017.pdf
- Terms of Reference CSC charter review final.pdf
- 2017 18 July GNSO Activity Brief for ccNSO Council.odt
Chat Transcript:
Maria Otanes: Welcome to the ccNSO Council Meeting on 20 July 2017 at 18.00 UTC
Maria Otanes: hi Souleymane, welcome
souleymane: hello maria
Stephen Deerhake: Hi Alejandra!
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: Hi Stephen :)
abibu (.tz): hello all
Stephen Deerhake: Hi Joke!
Joke Braeken: hello everyone!
Bart Boswinkel: Hi All
souleymane: hello bart
Stephen Deerhake: Greetings again Bart. We've got to stop meeting like this...
Bart Boswinkel: Othe rsuggestion?
Stephen Deerhake: Not sure I got that one Bart...
Stephen Deerhake: Hi Katrina!
Barrack Otieno AFTLD: Hi Everyone
Stephen Deerhake: Give Debbie some slack --it's 04.00h in Wellington! ;-)
Stephen Deerhake: Minutes are fine.
Debbie Monahan: Hi all
Debbie Monahan: sorry I'm a bit late
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: Hi Debbie :)
Byron Holland: Katrina is cutting out for me. Is it her or is it my line?
Bart Boswinkel: It is Katrina's line
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: I can hear her well
Joke Braeken: i cannot hear Peter very well either
Peter Vergote: Good evening all
Nigel: As Chair I will do my best to avoid Peter's concerns. I am happy to habe Vadim on board.
Peter Van Roste (CENTR): I have full confidence Nigel!
Young-eum Lee: Sorry for the audio mixup. I was talking to the operator.
Joke Braeken: thanks Young-eum
Stephen Deerhake: I think at a minimum we will need to review their submitted materials before we can make a decision...
Stephen Deerhake: Bart, what is our drop-dead date on this?
Stephen Deerhake: So this will be a vote via email then?
Bart Boswinkel: 4 August
Bart Boswinkel: As agreed tit wil be through usual voting mechanism
abibu (.tz): joined again
Nigel: louder please
Byron Holland: louder please
Maureen Hilyard: Stephen is very quiet
Stephen Deerhake: Byron, are you generally happy with things?
Stephen Deerhake: Move
Byron Holland: SD - Yes, CSC is progressing according to plan. Work on a couple of the bigger items is proceeding. So far, so good.
Young-eum Lee: both agree
Nigel: I move we adopt it.
Bart Boswinkel: Both the WG and community have strong diverting views on how ot structure the next steps
Stephen Deerhake: Can we come up with some sort of endurance award for Annabeth?
Young-eum Lee: A recognition of appreciation is certainly in order
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: yes
Joke Braeken: yes, better
Young-eum Lee: I prefer 3
abibu (.tz): 3 and 4 seem good.
abibu (.tz): but need to engage them to understand our position.
Byron Holland: I'm supportive.
Byron Holland: I'll move
Stephen Deerhake: Move.
Stephen Deerhake: Second.
souleymane: ok for me
Stephen Deerhake: Send a letter.
abibu (.tz): agree
Young-eum Lee: at least maintain the status quo
souleymane: agree
Young-eum Lee: maintain the status quo until a community agreement can be achieved
Bart Boswinkel: MAy I suggest we revisit the letter in August meeting
Stephen Deerhake: Agree with Bart.
Bart Boswinkel: and include Annebeth and ccNSo members of the CCWG
Young-eum Lee: agree with Bart
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: I agree with Bart too
Nigel: Agree
Hiro Hotta: agree
Stephen Deerhake: +1
Debbie Monahan: happy with that - no use sending something just for the sake of sending it so lets see how it looks
souleymane: ok
Stephen Deerhake: Louder...
Katrina Sataki: look who's talkig :D
Debbie Monahan: yes, it was interesting
Stephen Deerhake: Yes. Jaap's presentation was really interesting and I think it would be of value to the general community.
Stephen Deerhake: Thanks Katrina :D
Stephen Deerhake: Regarding ICANN60: Can we condense all the ccNSO stuff as much as possible so I don't have to spend from Day -1 to Day N+1 there as was the case in HYD? Just asking... ;-)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: ccNSO Meeting Satisfaction Survey ICANN59: https://ccnso.icann.org/announcements/announcement-28jun17-en.htm
Peter Vergote: Agree with Stephen on this
Maria Otanes: the document is scrollable so you may zoom
Katrina Sataki: not scrollable anymore
Stephen Deerhake: Alejandra, do you know what day the CCWG meetings will be taking place?
Stephen Deerhake: Can you de-conflict the PDP WG from the AGM on Thursday?
Joke Braeken: they typically meet on day 1, don't they?
Bart Boswinkel: That is possible but then we move it to block 3
Bart Boswinkel: I ti seitherway and follows
Stephen Deerhake: Fair enough Bart.
Stephen Deerhake: IANA gets a Gold Star for the month!
Stephen Deerhake: Thank you Byron.
Stephen Deerhake: With regards to the Rejection Action Guideline, I get my copy of the ICANN Rejection Action Scroll tomorrow (displayed at ICANN 59) tomorrow...
Stephen Deerhake: No doubt it was Ching... ;-)
Peter Vergote: I can report on CCWG auction if Ching is not on call
Maria Otanes: Ching is on audio only
Stephen Deerhake: Happy to have him continue if he is willing...
Maureen Hilyard: Ching is doing a great job on the Auction WG
Peter Vergote: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CWGONGAP
Maureen Hilyard: Great report Peter
Joke Braeken: Ching mentioned that a written update will follow asap.
Stephen Deerhake: +1 regarding your question Katrina.
Stephen Deerhake: (If he's willing to do so of course...)
Young-eum Lee: +1
Stephen Deerhake: Done deal then.
Byron Holland: Thank you Ching!
Stephen Deerhake: MOve to adjourn.
Barrack Otieno AFTLD: Thank you everyone
Young-eum Lee: Thanks
Peter Van Roste (CENTR): Thank you Katrina, thanks everyone. Bye!
Barrack Otieno AFTLD: bye
Hiro Hotta: thank you, bye
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]: Thank you! :) Bye
Joke Braeken: thank you all. Bye!
Byron Holland: Thanks Bye
Katrina Sataki: thank you all, bye!
Ben Fuller: Bye
Stephen Deerhake: Bye all.