GNSO Commercial and Registries Stakeholder Groups Joint Meeting

GNSO Commercial and Registries Stakeholder Groups Joint Meeting

Joint Commercial Stakeholder Group/Registries Stakeholder Group

Preliminary Agenda

Saturday, 11 March 2017

15:15-16:45 (Local Time) | Hall B5.1


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Review of Agenda
  3. Compliance Data: Access and Transparency
  4. Universal Access
  5. GNSO Standing Selection Committee Charter
  6. State of the Discussion: Next Gen RDS WG
  7. State of the Discussion: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures WG
  8. State of the Discussion: RPM Review Working Group
  9. AOB
    1. Amendments to Base Registry Agreement
  10. Adjourn


Meeting Details

Room: Hall B5.1

Adobe Connect: https://participate.icann.org/cph58-hallb51

ICANN58 Schedule Link: http://sched.co/9nn0