NPOC Community Outreach Event

NPOC Community Outreach Event


Jimson Olufuye, Business Constituency DNS promote Internet identity and uniqueness; Opportunities in the new gTLD rounds; DOA, a threat or an opportunity for DNS?

Sam Lanfranco (NPOC) 4-step strategy to domain name Internet ecosystem residency; risks and benefits  of blended social media & website strategies; rights and oblligations of digital citizenship in the Internet Ecosystem.

Nigel Hickson CCWG-IG (ICANN Staff) How the Internet Governance domain extends beyond ICANN/DNS and how both ICANN and constituencies can think about that.

Adam Peak/Joan Kerr/ICANN Staff (all tentative) ICANN Learn and how to participate in the policy development process.


  • The emerging rights and obligations of digital citizenship in the Internet Ecosystem and engagement in policy making (at all levels). This is the general context for all the issues presented above.