SSR2 Meeting #36 - 05 July 2018 @ 15:00 UTC

SSR2 Meeting #36 - 05 July 2018 @ 15:00 UTC


Review Team Members:   Boban Krsic, Denise Michel, Kaveh Ranjbar, KC Claffy, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Laurin Weissinger, Norm Ritchie, RamKrishna Paryiar, Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Russ Housley, Scott McCormick, Zarko Kecic

Facilitator: Phil Khoury

Observers: None

ICANN Organization: Negar Farzinnia, Alice Jansen, Jennifer Bryce, Steve Conte, Yvette Guigneaux

Guests: None

Apologies:  Geoff Huston, Alain Aina, Jabera Matogoro, Eric Osterweil

Audio recording:  EN

AC recording:  HERE

Transcript: EN

Chat Transcript:  EN 

Observer Chat Transcript: EN

Documents: PDF

Plenary Call Report: PDF

Decisions Reached:  

- Denise and Eric to remain in the role of co-chairs until the face-to-face meeting.

- 22-24 August meeting agreed to be held in DC.

Action Items:

- Review team members to review digest of background information circulated to list and  provide suggestions/questions for anything that’s missing

- New team members to advise what would be most useful for them to be included in the  digest. 

- RT members to comment on list on the proposed call time slots and day within 24 hours.

- Denise & Eric to work with staff to progress DC meeting logistics. 

- Phil to summarize stock-take of where the RT work is currently.


1.  Attendances, apologies, admin issues

2.  Brief presentation from Phil on proposed pathway forward (up to face-to-face meeting) – for team questions and discussion (the aim is a shared understanding of the process in mind for next few weeks and how we will resolve various issues)

3.  Introduction for new members – review of digest, additional issues

4.  Interim leadership – team discussion

5.  Location and timings for face-to-face meeting – Phil to lead

6.  Other business

Call Details

15:00-16:00 UTC (timezone converter here)

Interested in listening to the discussion? Go to https://participate.icann.org/ssrreview-observers

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