Meeting #1 - Law Enforcement Needs | 23 February 2018

Meeting #1 - Law Enforcement Needs | 23 February 2018


Subgroup Members:  Thomas Walden, Alan Greenberg

ICANN Organization:  Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Lisa Phifer

Apologies:  Chris Disspain, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst


  • Discuss how ICANN org support team can help you identify your subgroup objectives and review the input needed and tools available to help you advance in your discussions.

Audio recording:  EN

Adobe Connect recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:  EN


Decisions Reached

Has your subgroup identified any needed briefings/resources? How will the subgroup conduct its investigation?

  • Outreach to LEA contacts to solicit input on needs
  • Possible examples - GAC PSWG, APWG, SSAC members (John Levine)
  • Need to structure outreach in a transparent and accessible way
  • Start with informal outreach and then consider broader more formalized outreach

How will subgroup review identified documentation? N/A

Action Items:

  • Thomas to reach out to Lili to see if she would like to join subgroup
  • ICANN Org to consider whether a briefing from OCTO on interaction with LEA and perhaps DAR would be helpful as input
  • ICANN Org to provide Thomas with first cut answer at next step question, for Thomas to refine and share with subgroup by mid-week