Meeting #1 - Anything New | 23 February 2018

Meeting #1 - Anything New | 23 February 2018


Subgroup Members:  Stephanie Perrin, Susan Kawaguchi, Alan Greenberg

ICANN Organization:  Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Lisa Phifer, Steve Conte

Apologies:  /


  •  Discuss how ICANN org support team can help you identify your subgroup objectives and review the input needed and tools available to help you advance in your discussions.

Audio recording:  EN

Adobe Connect recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:  EN


Decisions Reached: 

Subgroup to prioritize policies and procedures identified in the provided inventory, and then use results to answer for top priority items:

  • Has subgroup identified needed briefings/resources?
  • How will subgroup review/analyze materials?
  • How will you conduct investigation?
  • How will you conduct relevant interviews?
  • How will your subgroup produce is summary of key findings?

This prioritization will not remove other items from consideration, but rather help the subgroup begin work on top-priority items.

Action items:

  • ICANN Org to circulate a list of policies in a format that enables subgroup members to identify their "top 5" new/updated policies to examine and briefly why.
  • Subgroup members to reply to subgroup mailing list no later than next Thursday. The subgroup will then reconvene to discuss priorities and determine next steps.