Staff Accountability Meeting #25 (2 August 2017 @ 19:00 UTC)

Staff Accountability Meeting #25 (2 August 2017 @ 19:00 UTC)


Sub-group Members:   Alan Greenberg, Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, George Sadowsky, Greg Shatan, Jordan Carter, Klaus Stoll, Akinori Maemura  (8)

Staff:  Bernard Turcotte, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Larisa Gurnick, Patrick Dodson, Theresa Swinehart

Apologies:  Herb Waye

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **




1. Intro: agenda review, attendance, SOI check

2. Substantive issue/s of the week

3. Documents Update

3.1 Report - Rev 1.1


3.3. Supplement to Report - Draft 06 -


No longer a working document

3.2. Response to Staff Questions - pending review and readings https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ELuw6i3mGAjnZBe0Vc_lraNQrWw5m_I6UyipEHaRJxc/edit?usp=sharing

Action Items

    • Add discussion of the issues

    • Add explanation of the Staff Accountability as the safe place for initial discussions.

    • Add checklist of things a manager can look at in appraisal.

4. Schedule update - Needs updating

      • Document for Plenary Readings

        • 1st  Mid  End May Face 2 Face in Joburg

        • 2nd End May After Joburg

      • Public comment period - June-July-August

      • Joburg meeting -  End June

      • Absorb comments and adjust proposals - July-August-September

      • Document for Plenary Readings

        • 1st: mid September October

        • 2nd: end September October

      • Abu Dhabi meeting - end October

Updated meeting schedule:

      • 26 Jul 0500 UTC

      • 2 Aug 1900 UTC

      • 9 Aug 1300 UTC

      • 30 Aug 1900 UTC

      • 13 Sep 0500 UTC

      • 28 Sep 1300 UTC

5. AOB

Raw Captioning 

Disclaimer: This rough edit transcript, which may contain missing, misspelled or paraphrased words, is only provided for your immediate review and is not certified as verbatim and is not to be cited in any way. 


  • (none)

Action Items:

  • (none)


  • (None)

Documents Presented

Chat Transcript

 Brenda Brewer: (8/2/2017 13:29) Good day and welcome to WS2 Staff Accountability Subgroup Meeting #25 on 2 August 2017 @ 19:00 UTC!

  Brenda Brewer: (13:29) If you are not speaking, please mute your phone by pressing *6 (star 6).  This call is recorded.

  Brenda Brewer: (13:29) Reminder to all, please speak slowly and state your name before speaking for the Captioner.  Thank you!

  Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (13:57) Hello

  Brenda Brewer: (14:00) No answer from Cheryl's dial out, trhing again.

  Brenda Brewer: (14:03) Cheryl's second dialout, unsuccessful.

  Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:04) yup good to go

  Alan Greenberg: (14:04) Cheryl on the way.

  Brenda Brewer: (14:04) Thank you, Alan

  Alan Greenberg: (14:04) Just got off of previous one, so dialout shhould work now.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (14:06) ditto I am in AC and dial out now

  Alan Greenberg: (14:07) My SOI has changed, but not relevant to this group.

  Klaus Stoll: (14:09) Sorry I am late.

  avri doria: (14:11) open our kimono?

  Jordan Carter 2: (14:12) now on room too

  Alan Greenberg: (14:15) https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.investopedia.com_terms_o_open-2Dkimono.asp&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=kbiQDH54980u4nTPfwdloDLY6-6F24x0ArAvhdeDvvc&m=OmgnXgPDp3RNYvz4syNd8RMmElLcOCt5JzyO1bjjPw0&s=WF5aH8MdI05mArMW4nADDHmBySrB01ykA-ejJhrWI6A&e=

  Jordan Carter 2: (14:22) I dont even WANT this to be "Solving The Problems For Ever"

  Jordan Carter 2: (14:22) I want this to be "Adjusting Processes So Future Problems Less Likely"

  Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:22) Jordan - hand?

  Jordan Carter 2: (14:28) George - that's why the surveys and info acquisition

  Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:30) Time check - 30 minutes left in call

  Alan Greenberg: (14:32) Which area is an issue will vary by who you are. The people I may have problems with are very likely to be different people than Registry folks.

  Jordan Carter 2: (14:35) i have to leave the adobe room sorry

  Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:45) Time Check - 15 minutes left in call

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (14:54) agreed Jordan

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (15:00) we're actually making progress... thanks everyone...  bye for now then.

  George Sadowsky: (15:00) bye

  Greg Shatan: (15:00) Bye!

  Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (15:00) bye all