Staff Accountability Meeting #10 (28 February @ 05:00 UTC)
Sub-group Members: Avri Doria, George Sadowsky, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Greg Shatan Jordan Carter, Pam Little, Seun Ojedeji
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Yvette Guigneaux
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
mp3 Replay
This doc:
1. Intro: agenda review, attendance, SOI check
2. Second reading document A version 1.5.
Jordan is rapporteur on this document (main item at ---- meeting)
Document, open to comments and suggested edits, can be found at: scHZY/edit
If there is time after completing Document A for submission to Plenary (note the documents are open
for comment and suggested edits. Contributions to content invited):
3. Discussion / seeking feedback on Draft Document B v1.2
Avri is rapporteur on this document XdYYTeHk/edit
4. Continuing Discussion of Responses to Staff questions (if time) yipEHaRJxc/edit?usp=sharing
5. Schedule check
6. AOB
7 Participants at start of call
Avri Doria - Usual administrivia -
Pam Little - updated SOI, now representing Alibaba.
Jordan Carter - (review of structure of document). Any comments?
George Sadowsky - Difficult comments to make given my liaison status - My sense is of real concern because the document to my mind misses the mark completely. What problems are trying to be solved here - seems most clear. Limited Board feedback is there is no understanding what is going. You could cut out 80% of the document without losing much - the two main recommendations are F and J which seems to make sense. the document provides a lot of background, too much in many cases and some incorrect. Does this document really address the problem (statement from Rec. 12).
Greg Shatan: I have the same general concerns as George has expressed.
Jordan Carter - Agree just focusing on the problem would be better but this is not the requirement from Rec. 12.
Greg Shatan - Do not think the suggestions made by GS are incoherent with Rec. 12. there may not be a need for a "history of the world" approach. Do not think this document is what was required by WS1.
Jordan Carter - The italicized text is copy/paste from rec. 12 which says we should develop this in cooperation with staff - however there does not seem to be an operational model, given our attempts, that would allow us to do this. In part this is why I think this should go to the Plenary so we can get an understanding of what we should be doing.
Avri Doria - Agree with JC comments and should be repeated to the plenary so we can find out if we are meeting the requirements of rec. 12. There does seem to be an (elephant) in the room but it is uncertain.
avri doria: i actually did not say an elephant in the room. i said something large covered in a blanket walking through the room, but we don't know exactly what it is. Might be a rhinocerous for all I know.
George Sadowsky - The elephant in the room seems to be people think that staff are crossing over the line to policy implementation and there is no place where the community can get that addressed.
Jordan Carter - what I thought is that staff would provide a paper in June that would provide the information that was requested - but that was not the case. As a group of volunteers getting replies every two months does not seem to be very functional - GS How do we fix this so we can work with ICANN?
George Sadowsky - My experience with staff is different - do not think staff is particularly hostile to this effort - and I apologize for not being there earlier in the process and am willing to help however I can at this point.
Avri Doria - really think we should include this discussion in the document and send it to the plenary. I have made numerous requests to get staff participation to little avail and am not optimistic of participation going forward.
Jordan Carter - Agree with AD - we need plenary input. Have no ownership issues with the document and have no issues with staff writing some of this.
Avri Doria: Not perfectly comfortable with this approach. Need to send this document along with the cover note so we can have the wider discussion.
Jordan Carter 2: I'm relaxed about including it, because if people don't read it, they won't have a sense of what is being pushed against or for
George Sadowsky: Nothing wrong with that, Avri.
Greg Shatan - In asking to frame this we have to consider if we want to ask the plenary to read 19 pages.
Avri Doria - pertinent part of document is now only 11 pages.
Jordan Carter - Agree this needs Framing to go to the plenary and that this conversation has helped verbalize some of my discomfort. We are not looking for any editorial comments from the Plenary.
avri doria: we need to be careful not to whitewash in our zeal to be comfortable
Greg Shatan: One last working note: we may want to let Board members generally know that they can participate on an equal footing with other participants, rather than feeling like they must only "liaise."
Avri Doria – I have made that clear to GS a number of times.
Jordan Carter - will draft a one page cover framing what we are asking the plenary and we will finish this on the Thursday meeting.
George Sadowsky - More than willing to put in comments in the Googledoc but there seems to be too many comments.
Avri Doria - that should work. Ok we have a plan. JC will produce a document in the next few hours which will be considered on our Thursday call. In the meantime people can finish cleaning up as much as they want.
Jordan Carter 2: i'll circulate that cover note to the group in about 12h, or about 15h
George Sadowsky: I will put all my comments on the GooglerDocs within 24 hours.
Avri Doria - The specificity of the recommendations will be in the B document but needs the input from the A document. Any AOB (none). Adjourned.
Documents Presented
WORKINGStaffAcct-DocAdraft -170227-comments.pdf
Chat Transcript
Yvette Guigneaux: (2/27/2017 14:02) Welcome all to the Staff Accountability Meeting #10 | 28 February 2017 @ 05:00 UTC!
Yvette Guigneaux: (14:02) When not speaking, please mute phone line by pressing *6 and *6 again to unmute.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (20:57) hello all
George Sadowsky: (20:58) Hi Bernie
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (20:59) Hi George
Pam Little: (21:00) Hello everyone
Pam Little: (21:00) Just wanted to mention I have an SOI update
Greg Shatan: (21:02) Same here.
Pam Little: (21:02)
George Sadowsky: (21:02) choppy here too
Greg Shatan: (21:02) So much for POTS.
George Sadowsky: (21:03) and no PANS in sight?
Jordan Carter 2: (21:03) kia ora
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (21:04) congratulations Pam
Pam Little: (21:04) Thank you.
George Sadowsky: (21:05) clear
Yvette Guigneaux: (21:05) fine here
Greg Shatan: (21:05) Smoooth.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (21:05) all good Jordan
Yvette Guigneaux: (21:05) scrolling available if needed
George Sadowsky: (21:06) I have soem general coments that I'd like to make
Yvette Guigneaux: (21:07) yes
Greg Shatan: (21:13) I have the same general concerns as George has expressed.
Pam Little: (21:13) I also made similar comments on earlier version of Doc. A.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (21:13) Please mute
George Sadowsky: (21:13) I will point to them, Jordan
Jordan Carter 2: (21:14) thanks George!
Pam Little: (21:14) But I understand most recommendations will be covered in Doc. B.
Yvette Guigneaux: (21:14) hi George - there was some background noise on the line, so it has been muted - you are free to speak, if you would like to do so press *6 (star six)
George Sadowsky: (21:15) Yvette - I'm on adobe, not on the phone
Greg Shatan: (21:16) Yes, I've confirmed that..I affirm my comments.
Yvette Guigneaux: (21:16) i understand George, unfortunately Adobe room audio produces an high pitched echo within the room when one is not speaking
Yvette Guigneaux: (21:17) and when the line isn't muted - my apologies on the inconvenience
George Sadowsky: (21:18) OK, I understand, I'll try to mute at all times when I'm not speaking
Yvette Guigneaux: (21:18) perfect George, thank you so much =)
avri doria: (21:22) i actually did not say an elephant in the room. i said something large covered in a blanket walking through the room, but we don't know exactly what it is. Might be a rhinocerous for all I know.
Jordan Carter 2: (21:22) it may be a black hole
George Sadowsky: (21:31) I understand your quandary
George Sadowsky: (21:32) That's a reasonable idea, Jordan.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (21:32) +1
Greg Shatan: (21:33) Seems like a good approach.
seun: (21:34) FWIW, made some edits on document A, sorry for late response. Yeah perhaps it's good to note that community participation is also not that great compared to what we had in WS1. I wonder how this can be improved upon.
Jordan Carter 2: (21:34) I'm relaxed about including it, because if people don't read it, they won't have a sense of what is being pushed against or for
George Sadowsky: (21:35) Nothing wrong with that, Avri.
Jordan Carter 2: (21:38) it's not 19 pages, to be clear :-) there are some spare pages there.
Jordan Carter 2: (21:38) ;)
Jordan Carter 2: (21:38) I share the discomfort
Jordan Carter 2: (21:39) this convo has put the finger nicely on my own unease
Greg Shatan: (21:39) The annex may be both non-pertinent and impertinent.
Greg Shatan: (21:39) :-)
George Sadowsky: (21:40) You're welcome, glad to help
avri doria: (21:40) we need to be careful not to whitwash in our zeal to be comfortable
Greg Shatan: (21:41) One last working note: we may want to let Board members generally know that they can participate on an equal footing with other participants, rather than feeling like they must only "liaise."
George Sadowsky: (21:41) Yes
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2: (21:42) of course!
George Sadowsky: (21:42) haha
Greg Shatan: (21:42) Fair enough, I cannot grasp what it is like to wield such awesome powers that I would need to feel constrained. Some people might be quite happy if I did....
George Sadowsky: (21:43) I have it also
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2: (21:43) yup
seun: (21:46) No not invisible link, just highlight the text you want to come
George Sadowsky: (21:46) You're right! Thank you Greg!
Jordan Carter 2: (21:46) it's ebtter than it looks
Jordan Carter 2: (21:46) quite a common Google situation ;)
Jordan Carter 2: (21:47) makes sense Avri
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (21:48) not really
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (21:49) 11 vs 19
Greg Shatan: (21:49) We do need to avoid TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read).
Jordan Carter 2: (21:49) i'll circulate that cover note to the group in about 12h, or about 15h
Greg Shatan: (21:49) But 11 may be TL;DR for many.....
George Sadowsky: (21:49) I will put all my comments on the GooglerDocs within 24 hours
Greg Shatan: (21:49) Agree!
Greg Shatan: (21:50) 9 bullet points on one page is the maximum for some people....
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2: (21:51) thanks everyone... bye for now then...
Jordan Carter 2: (21:51) ciao!
Jordan Carter 2: (21:51) good call
Greg Shatan: (21:52) Thank you all!
George Sadowsky: (21:52) Bye, all ....
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (21:52) bye all