2012-06-23 - Post RSEP Request

2012-06-23 - Post RSEP Request


Board approves allocation of previously-reserved TLD names in second- and higher-level .POST registrations.


Whereas, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) submitted a Request pursuant to ICANN's Registry Services Evaluation Policy to release and allocate previously-reserved TLD names in second- and higher-level .POST registrations.

Whereas, ICANN evaluated the proposed amendment to the .POST Registry Agreement as a new registry service pursuant to the Registry Services Evaluation Policy, did not identify any security, stability or competition issues, and posted an amendment for public comment and Board consideration (http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment/post-amendment-2012-09apr12-en.htm).

Whereas, the potential issues cited during the public comment period and by ICANNwere addressed by the UPU's responses.

Whereas, the restriction that the UPU seeks to remove from its agreement is not incorporated into the proposed Registry Agreements for the New gTLD Program.

Resolved (2012.06.23.14), the UPU's request to amend the .POST Registry Agreement to release and allocate previously-reserved TLD names to second- and higher-level .POST sTLD registrations is approved, and the President and CEO and General Counsel are authorized to take actions to implement the amendment.

Implementation Actions

  •  Take such actions as appropriate to implement the amendment
    •  Responsible entity: President and General Counsel
    •  Due date: None provided
    •  Completion date:  July 2012


ICANN's stakeholder relations, legal, and technical teams reviewed the RSEP proposal for competition and DNS stability issues and found none.

This restriction does not appear in the draft registry agreement proposed for the New gTLD Program. This is the first time an existing registry has requested to remove the restriction on registering other existing TLD strings at the second level.

Lifting the restrictions follows the recommendations of the GNSO Reserved Names Working Group that found the restriction no longer necessary.

Several existing registries (i.e. .COM .NET .ORG) already had many of the reserved names registered prior to the implementation of the rules regarding reservation.

ICANN held a public comment period from 9 April 2012 to 30 May 2012. UPU addressed concerns raised by ICANN and the community through the public comment period.

Approving this amendment is not expected to have an impact on ICANN or community resources, nor are there any expected impacts on the security, stability or resiliency of the domain name system.

Other Related Resolutions

  •  Other resolutions TBD

Additional Information

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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