2012-03-28 - Batching of New gTLD Applications: Secondary Timestamp

2012-03-28 - Batching of New gTLD Applications: Secondary Timestamp


Board approves the use of secondary timestamps/digital archery as the mechanism to sort new gTLD applications into batches.


Whereas, the window for applying for new gTLDs opened on 12 January 2012, and is scheduled to close on 12 April 2012.

Whereas, the New gTLDs Applicant Guidebook (section <http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/agb> indicates that if the volume of applications received significantly exceeds 500, then applications will be processed in batches.

Whereas, on 8 December 2011, the Board adopted a resolution (#2011.12.08.4a) authorizing the development of a plan to use a "secondary time stamp" for determining the processing order in the event that multiple batches are required.

Whereas, the New gTLDs program team has developed proposed operational details of a plan for implementing a secondary time stamp, now referred to as "digital archery".

Whereas, some members of the community have expressed concerns about whether the digital archery proposal is sensible and fair, and an informal subgroup of the Board has studied the feasibility, benefits, and risks of the proposal as well as alternative batching mechanisms such as auction.

Resolved (2012.03.28.01), the Board confirms the approval of secondary timestamp/digital archery as the mechanism for sorting new gTLD applications into batches, and directs that the operational details of the mechanism be communicated to applicants and the public as necessary and appropriate.

Implementation Actions

  •  Communicate the operational details of the mechanism to applicants and the public
    • Responsible entity:  ICANN staff
    • Due date:  None provided
    • Completion date:  March 30, 2012


The reaffirmation of the Board's commitment to the secondary timestamp/digital archery is taken after an review of alternate proposals for batching processes considered after hearing the community's comments and concerns as raised at the ICANN meeting in San Juan, Costa Rica. A small group of the Board intensively looked at the digital archery solution, a potential auction solution, and considered the prioritization comments provided by the community. For the ongoing application round, affirming the digital archery process is the fairest way to achieve a non-random batching solution that accounts for diversity across all regions of ICANN. The Board also reaffirms the Rationale for Resolutions 2011.12.08.04 – 2011.12.08.06.

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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