2003-02-25 - Amendments to Bylaws
- Category: Administration and Budget
- Topic: Amendments to Bylaws
- Board meeting date: 25 February 2003
- Resolution number: 03.16
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-25feb03.htm
- Status: Completed
Board approves amendments to the bylaws for technical corrections and minor modifications.
Whereas, on 8 February 2003 the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform (ERC) posted proposed amendments to the New Bylaws that became effective on 15 December 2003 to reflect various clarifications, technical corrections, and minor modifications that had been called to the ERC's attention as desirable in light of the ongoing process of implementing ICANN's reformed structure;
Whereas, the ERC invited comments on its proposed amendments through 22 February 2003;
Whereas, the ERC reviewed the comments received and on 23 February 2003 posted a report revising its proposals in two respects;
Whereas, after considering the ERC's proposals and the comments, the Board concludes that the amendments to the bylaws as stated in the ERC's revised proposal would be in the best interest of ICANN;
Resolved [03.16] that the Board adopts the amendments to the bylaws shown in Appendix A to these minutes (amending Article VI, Section 8; Article VII, Section 2; Article VII, Section 3; Article X, Section 3; Article XI, Section 2(4); Article XX, Section 2; Article XX, Section 5; and Article XX, Section 7), to become effective immediately.
(The Board approved the above resolution by a 17-0-0 vote.)
Note: At this meeting, the Board did not take action on the proposal to add an Article VII, Section 8 (concerning ineligibility of Nominating Committee members for selection to ICANN bodies) because the Board believed that the restrictions in the proposed language should be strengthened. The Board requested the General Counsel to prepare a revised version of the proposed section, which the Board will consider adopting at a future meeting.
Implementation Actions
- Amend Bylaws.
- Responsible entity: ICANN Secretary
- Due date: Effective immediately
- Completion date: 25 February 2003
Other Related Resolutions
- Other resolutions TBD.
Additional Information
- The proposed amendments were approved for inclusion in the bylaws as revised 25 February 2003, available at: http://www.icann.org/en/general/archive-bylaws/bylaws-25feb03.htm
- The resolution did not discuss funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.