2003-06-26 - Thanks to Louis Touton
- Category: Administration and Budget
- Topic: Thanks for service
- Board meeting date: 26 June 2003
- Resolution number: 03.118
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-09dec09-en.htm
- Status: Completed
Thanking Louis Touton for service to ICANN.
Whereas, Louis Touton has served ICANN since before its creation in September 1998, working with Jon Postel, the original Internet Assigned Numbers Authority;
Whereas, Louis has devoted countless hours working selflessly and tirelessly to serve the Internet community through the ICANN process;
Whereas, Louis has dedicated virtually all his time and efforts since his arrival at ICANN as its Vice President and General Counsel;
Whereas, Louis Touton has served with distinction all three of the presidents and the two chairpersons of ICANN, to date;
Whereas, Louis has exhibited an uncanny ability to remember virtually every action, transaction, resolution, and contract detail on demand;
Whereas, Louis has contributed to the technical, legal, and policy well-being of ICANN in countless ways and at all times during his tenure;
Therefore, the Board of ICANN resolves [03.118]:1. That Louis Touton has earned the immeasurable gratitude of the Internet Community, the ICANN Board members, and colleagues at ICANN;
2. That the Board expresses its specific appreciation for the support, guidance, and expertise with which Louis has served every Board member as General Counsel;
3. That Louis Touton shall be enrolled as entry #4 on the IANA Special People Numbers Registry (SPNR) per exhibit A below;Exhibit A
Special People Numbers Registry (SPNR) - per IANA
(last updated 2003-06-25)
For those who have worked for the benefit of the Internet into
the wee hours too often, for too little compensation, and with
too little public appreciation.
Thank you for your dedication.
Number Name
---- -------------
0 Reserved
1 Jon Postel
2 Joyce K Reynolds
3 Bob Braden
4 Louis Touton
5 Daniel Karrenberg
6 Stephen Crocker
7 Scott Bradner
8 Stephen Wolff
(registry created 2003-06-25)
4. That Louis Touton shall have a tree planted in his name at the Russ Hobby ranch in Northern California, adjacent to the tree planted for Jon Postel in 1998; and
5. That the Board expresses its wish that Louis will depart from ICANN with great pride in his contributions and find long life and great satisfaction in his future endeavors. The Board expresses the wish that he will make himself available from time to time for consultation with his ICANN colleagues.
Live long! and Prosper!
Implementation Actions
- None
- Responsible entity: None
- Due date: None specified
- Completion date: None
Other Related Resolutions
- None
Additional Information
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information