FY14 Important Travel Guidelines

FY14 Important Travel Guidelines

Travel Guidelines Pertaining to the Pilot Program

  • For any ICANN supported travel, it is the traveler’s responsibility to comply with all local laws and legislation of the country or countries to which he or she will travel (including but not limited to laws pertaining to immigration, taxation, customs, employment and foreign exchange control).
  • It is the traveler’s responsibility to comply with all regulations (including those dealing with visas and required vaccinations) of any country visited.
  • ICANN is not responsible for obtaining visas for the traveler; that is the responsibility of the traveler.
  • ICANN will not support/approve any claim for work permits or any other costs relating to compliance with the national legislation of any country in the world from a fellow or any third party.
  • ICANN is a California non-profit public benefit corporation incorporated in the United States and must therefore comply with all of the laws and regulations of California and the United States.

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