FY15 Outreach Advice From Community Members

FY15 Outreach Advice From Community Members

Below are several hints and tips concerning outreach events courtesy of Glenn McKnight...

  • Don't assume that registration fees are a hindrance or barrier to participation. We recommend asking the right person; the event organizers are often open to providing limited access to the event or full access at no charge. We managed to obtain free access in all three events for the NARALO CROPP application. 
  • Volunteer to facilitate a session.
  • Volunteer to do an impromptu "Birds of a Feather."
  • Especially if you get a free pass, endear yourself with the organizers.
  • Provide the your brochures in the delegate bags, drop of brochures to the press room, email electronic versions to the webmaster.
  • Engage each sponsorship/booth with your literature.
  • Study the lecture/seminar sessions and make sure you are early and distribute brochures to all the attendees with a short announcement.
  • Reach out to radio and television crews with a "canned speech."


Please feel free to add other thoughts, ideas, advice, or comments below...

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