FY20 EURALO Outreach Strategic Plan
FY20 EURALO Outreach Strategic Plan
1. You must be logged in to the Community Wiki with a valid Username and Password in order to complete forms within CROP.
2. Your organization must first complete and get approval for the Outreach Strategic Plan before any CROP trip could be processed.
3. To fill out the the form, click
(top of the screen).4. Answer each of the questions that appears within the form. Use the scroll bar (right) to reveal all contents. Click here to read the full instructions
Strategy Status |
Person Completing Form: |
FY20 Outreach Strategy | |
Outreach Goals: | |
Strategies: | |
Expected Activities and Outcomes: | |
Other Details: | |
Date Submitted: |
Acknowledgements Section
Note: To be completed by a Program Coordinator (PC) designated by this organization/structure.
Acknowledgements | Confirmed? | Who Confirmed? | Date of Confirmation | Notes |
The detailed Outreach Strategic Plan has been properly completed per CROP requirements. |
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized this Outreach Strategic Plan. |
The Outreach Strategic Plan has been concurred by the Stakeholder Engagement V.P. |
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CROP Outreach Strategic Plan Template (June 2018)
SCOPE Team Wiki