1st LAC Strategy Update Webinar

1st LAC Strategy Update Webinar


As part of our ongoing effort to improve on how we communicate the LAC Strategy progress to our community, LAC GSE will organize a monthly Webinar to update the community about the LAC Strategy.


The first  first Webinar “LAC Strategy update” took place  on 28 January 2016 for 60 minutes.


Speaker: Rodrigo Saucedo - Project Manager Latin America and the Caribbean ICANN



  • Summary Projects 2015
  • Going forward - Updated LAC Strategy 2016 -2020
  • Implementation Plan
  • Q&A


Recorded session in Spanish (Adobe Connect room):  https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p45n5vmmda5/


 Recordings in English and Portuguese:




LAC Strategy 28.1.16.pptx