(2.3.1) LAC Space
Projects Code 2.3.1
Working Group:
Rudolph Daniel
Flavio Wagner
Matias Jackson
Monica Romero
Beatriz Rodriguez
Carina Birandi
José Arce
Manuela Peralta
Beatriz Rodríguez
Israel Rosas
Mauro Rios
Erick Iriarte Bruna Martins
Key area of interest:
This project falls under the area of Economic Issues of the LAC Strategic Plan.
The idea of the LAC Space project is to organize a session at each ICANN meeting proving a space for regional economic stakeholders to make specific presentations of business related topics; also serve as space for economic stakeholders from the LAC region to meet other stakeholders from other regions.
- Support participation of regional stakeholders in SOs, ACs and working groups.
- Bring to the ICANN environment the concerns, views, and priorities of the LAC region.
- Organization of two LAC Space sessions per year, the first one at the Community Forum meeting and the second one at the AGM meeting.
- Networking among LAC stakeholders that participate at the ICANN environment.
- Reporting and sharing of information and views on different aspects and processes of ICANN and related entities and forums, such as the GNSO constituencies, GAC, LACTLD, LACNIC, LACRALO, etc.
- Debate on relevant, ongoing ICANN processes.
- This debate may allow stakeholders to build some consensus on those issues or, at least, better inform their respective groups and entities (LACTLD, LACNIC, LACRALO, GAC, the GNSO constituencies, ...) on the possible perceptions and positions that are shared by the LAC community.
- This debate may also better equip the LAC community to influence the ICANN processes in a more structured way, through the different spaces we already have in the SOs, ACs, cross-community WGs and even in the Board.
- Inform the debate that shall take place at the “LAC Sessions on PDPs @ ICANN meetings” (Objective 2.2, Project 2.2.4 of the LAC Strategy).
- While the “LAC Sessions on PDPs @ ICANN meetings” shall have a deeper view into specific policies, the “LAC Space sessions” shall have a broader view and also address more general or transversal aspects.
- Communicate views and contributions of the LAC community to the broader ICANN community, including Board and staff, where appropriate.
Project document
ICANN 49 Singapore 23-27 March 2014
- The Asian DNS Landscape
- LAC DNS Landscape
- How to make the most of the LAC Space
- An Up Date of the LAC Strategy
Audio English:
Audio Spanish:
ICANN 50 London 22-26 June 2014
- Panel: Free trade agreements and Internet
- Updates of the regional IGF
- LAC Strategic Plan
Audio English:
Audio Spanish:
ICANN 51 Los Angeles 12-16 October 2014
- LAC Strategy Update
- Fostering the e-Commerce Ecosystem in LAC
- ISPs trends in Brazil and Pligg internet phone service
- GDD Underserved Regions Outreach Update
- The NEW gTLDs in the LAC Region
- Nuevo gTLD punto LAT, un proyecto 100% latinoamericano
- Nuevos dominios para Restaurantes y Bares
Adobe Recording: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p6gl0z9rjc0/
Audio English:
Audio Spanish:
ICANN 52 Singapore 8-13 February 2015
- LAC Strategy Update
- The consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP)
- New vision for internet architecture, “Internet of the Future”
- Plans and strategy for .ltda in Latin America
Adobe Recording: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p11zbrutbe0/
Audio English:
Audio: Spanish:
Audio Portuguese:
LAC DNS Forum conclusions
Middle East DNS initiatives
Strategies for ccTLDs in the new commercial environment
LAC DNS Study Project
.ar experience & new model
Adobe Recording:
Audio English:
Audio Spanish:
Audio Portuguese:
Fostering Audiovisual Content production in LAC
European DNS industry
.rio Strategy
Adobe Recording:
Audio English:
Audio Spanish:
Audio Portuguese:
Date: Monday, March 7th, 2016 Room: Ametyste
10:30 – 11:45 Local time
10:30 – 10:35 | Introduction | Rodrigo de la Parra VP Stakeholder Engagement-Latin America Caribbean ICANNVanda Scartezini |
10:35 – 10:50 | African DNS Initiatives | Bob Ochieng - Stakeholder Engagement Manager - Africa |
10:50– 11:05 | The new gTLD program Auction Funds. | Marika Konings - Senior Director, Policy Development Support And Team Leader For The GNSO |
11:05 – 11:20 | Comments on the new gTLD program Auction Funds. | Anthony Harris – CABACE Dev Anand Teelucksingh - LACRALO |
11:20 -11:35 | LAC DNS Marketplace Study and LAC DNS Entrepreneur Center | Daniel Fink - Manager Stakeholder Engagement Brazil ICANN Carolina Aguerre – LACTLD General Manager |
11:35 -11:45 | Q&A |
LAC Space - ICANN63 Barcelona | |||
Monday – 22- 10-18 15:15-16:45 | |||
15:15 - 15:20 | Welcome - Opening Words | Flavio Wagner - Session Moderator | |
15:20 - 16:10 | Update section: LAC GSE ICANN |
Rodrigo de la Parra | |
16:10 - 16:20 | Book presentation Internet Governance and regulations in Latin America. | Olga Cavalli - Escuela del Sur de Gobernanza de Internet | |
16:20 - 16:30 | Evaluation of Brazilian Websites for Universal Acceptance | Paulo Milliet Roque | |
16:30 - 16:40 | IoT for the Business Sector in Latin America study | Andrés Sastre - ASIET | |
16:40 - 16:45 | Open Mic |
Agenda (English)
Agenda (Español)
Agenda (Portugues)