Engagement Opportunities in ICANN

Engagement Opportunities in ICANN

This section is to identifying and documenting (for an user not aware of ICANN) the various stakeholder roles available for persons in
LAC can be involved based on their interest. For example:

  • interested in individual Internet end user issues - ICANN At-Large
  • Intellectual property issues - the IP constituency in GNSO
  • involved in the running of the ccTLD of your country - ccNSO
  • in government involved in Internet Governance issues - GAC

and so on as per the ICANN Multi-Stakeholder model and the GNSO Stakeholder Groups & Constituencies.


Proposed SiteMap

Essentially the information at http://www.icann.org/en/groups :


  • ASO - Address Supporting Organisation
    • Regional Internet Registries
  • ALAC -  At-Large Advisory Committee and the At-Large community
  • ccNSO - Country Code Names Supporting Organization.
  • GAC. Official website of the Governmental Advisory Committee.
  • GNSO - Generic Names Supporting Organization
    • (expand the different groups in GNSO)
  • IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force
  • Nomcom
  • RSSAC - Root Server System Advisory Committee
  • SSAC - Security and Stability Advisory Committee
  • Technical Liaison Group.
  • Board